Guild Wars 2

i knew even when i wrote my disclaimer that C$ would critsize me... ahh well, i tryed.

I think GW2 will be awsome BECAUSE of everything that will be different. Like when u shoot and arrow it can miss and hit a barrel and the barrel will espload! I've never been more excited to miss with my arrows! YAY MISSING!
LOL! "Yay missing" That's funny STC.

Ramblings on GW2:
One of the biggest reasons they're creating GW2 is for character recognition. Face it you can get some titles and fancy armor but you're still a lvl 20 just like everyone else. GW2 will change that. As I progress thru the game I will unlock skills, armor, weapons, titles & RAW POWER! I will enjoy the challenge of seeing my character grow over months (years?). There will be a lot of seperation between the smaller grp of lvl 100's and the rest of the GW community.

Also, the current game can't support the change in game mechanics. It'd be almost impossible for them to allow us to jump, swim, duck, climb, etc. In addition to them adding "Mounts" (which I am VERY excited about!!!). I would love to fly around Tyria on a Dragon!

I've read EVERY "official" article/story that has come out about GW2 and I can tell you, IT'S GONNA ROCK!!! Go to and get the 411 for yourself! =)
I thought the journey to level 20 was MUCH more rewarding before Factions and Nightfall. With the later chapters, you could get to level 20 so fast...where's the fun in that?
Then they realized "hey, we got all these great ideas, we cant do anything with them, we are running out of ideas for new campaigns, why dont we just make one last thing, I know, an expansion"
"ooooo," says the group.
"why dont we gather up all of our ideas and make a NEW game! Totally different then the present" The head person said with a smile on his face.
"ya!" one yelled out
"But what about the people playing now, it will take years to make this new GW, are we gonna let them sit on Nightfall for 3 yrs while we make this new GW?" Gaile Gray questioned.
"Yes, ur right, we cant let this stay on NF for yrs while we make this new game. Why dont we come out with an expansion, something to let them chew on till we are ready. It can tie everything up... and I know, we can give them hints and clues about whats going to happen in GW2. That will keep them glued to the GW franchise" The head person dude purposed.
"ya, and since we cant make them take there characters over from GW1 to GW2 because the graphics would be different, and the dynamics, and the lvl cap, and then people would come in lvl 20 in a lvl 1 place. lets make at least something for them, so not EVERYONE is mad at us." Gaile Gray said obviously doing her job well.
The rest of the group agreed and they sorted out jobs that needed to be done and timelines to set. They all went there seperate ways, The head dude to go give orders, Gaile Gray to hope on to tell everyone, and the Thinking people went to their desks to come up with one last awsome plot line for GUILD WARS: EYE OF THE NORTH!

Thats all good to know and stuff, but to me it just says anet is running out of trickes and will have to restart some how again, leaving everything we have done. Just the fact that in PC game they said stuff about how people were compalining that they didn't finish the last campain. If they fix that problem and the it's free to play how are they gonna make a living? Thats what baffles me, they said many things that contridict themselfs while explaining the reason to go to GW2. Thats scary and very uncertail that anything anet makes will last for the time we play it. I hope GW2 rocks and all, i'm just gonna miss my 1,500+ hour warrior...
I wouldnt like the lvl cap to be incredibly high. To me lvl 100 is pushing it. The game would turn into "GLF _____ lvl 90+ ONLY! NO LOWER LVL NOOB!"
I personally like the 20 level cap. It makes for a group of people who are not just trying to one up everyone else, so I don't see as much 'lvl 35? ur a newb!1' kinda stuff (enter WOW). If they do raise the cap hopefully they can come up with a creative way to make the higher-level people not so elitist about it. All and all I'm exited about the whole GW2 thing, although there are so many opportunities to just screw up a good thing I'm hoping they miss most of them.