Guild Wars Assassin

Has anyone else noticed that all the women in GW look like runway models while the men are of varying shapes and sizes? A curious "double standard."
I would seriously love to have a big viking woman warrior to play in GW, swinging a battle axe around like a scythe. The female warrior is too good looking to be a "warrior". :)
Lol exactly what I was thinking. I was kinda shocked when I saw the picture. Wanted to see what you all thought!! Glad we all thinking the same :)
frankly, for some of the gaming geeks out there, these are the only women they'll ever get...
don't be so hard on the companies... they're just trying to be charitable.

that and market off the crowd. and also these are probably the only women some of them will get too....
It looks like the female assasins have spinal problems. Hopefully the males will look like ninjas or something.
ChickenSoup, You just high fived his shoe...that just happened to be on fire???? REAL SMART! lol
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Unfortunately...sounds Fortunate by what im seeing as your responses, I dont get the blocked the why???? hehehe
Malaki said:
ChickenSoup, You just high fived his shoe...that just happened to be on fire???? REAL SMART! lol

AAAUGGH!!!!!! *hand is burning* owowowowowowowowOUCHYWAWA *extinguishes, but finds that there is no hand left*:eek: :(