Hall of Heroes Update


New Member
October 5


* Removed Burial Mounds from rotation.
* Raised the team count for Broken Tower to 3.
* Reduced the play time for Broken Tower to 4 minutes.
* Reduced the play time for Courtyard to 4 minutes.
* Added levers to Scarred Earth so that players can open gates leading out of the center region of the map. Gates still open automatically as teams are defeated.

Plus, the 6v6 is now active.
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OK, enough spam - I have cast a ward against spam, any attempts to spam this thread further will result in deleted posts.
So this week was the first time i got to try out the new 6v6 in PvP, I like how the matches seem to go quicker but it does seem like its is harder to get into the hall. Even though we managed to do it taht day we all decide to do a few quick rounds.
I remember being stuck in que for 10 minutes when I had finally gotten in a pug with common sense....after getting a flawless victory. I was about to cry because the group fell apart, lol.