Harry Potter is the Devil!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I said "the world would be a much better place were it not for that belief."  Let us not beat around the bush..just go for the gold.  Why am I wrong?
no one is beating around the bush, peon nailed it \/
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well, it certainly doesn't benefit those who want to  do what ever they want, so long as they were good enough to get into heavan.

Jesus said that nobody (meaning nobody) gets to the father except through me (Jesus, not me personally).

If Jesus is right, then the belief only Christians get into heavan is a benefit to humanity.  It would be the false beliefs of others or the how some Christians get the message accross that would not be of benefit to humanity.

If Jesus lied, then we are left with what Paul said, Christians are the greatest fools of all history.  And the christian beleif would not be of benefit to humanity in the case.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I know it's easy for you to blow off what I say just becuase you think I'm a biased, misinformed, deluded person
for what its worth, I don't think your some deluded person. I don't take what you say very seriously because I think you rely to heavily on speculation. Thats all
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Thaddius @ July 10 2004,11:04)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]For one thing, if you aren't going to 'count' atrocities by the Christians like the KKK and the Nazis, you can't count the extremist muslim groups either

I'll count them.  Show me where Hitler claimed to be a Christian.

Here are a few quotes for you from Hitler:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Christianity is an invention of sick brains," Adolf Hitler, 13 December 1941.
"So it's not opportune to hurl ourselves now into a struggle with the Churches. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death," Adolf Hitler, 14 October 1941.

And here is more information about Hitler's supposed Christianity:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It is an established historical fact that Hitler was baptized a Roman Catholic and confirmed at age 15, and that Hitler never formally and publicly left the Catholic Church.

Hitler considered himself religious, but had only contempt for organized religion and the teachings of the church about Jesus. Hitler had his own private view of Jesus, that of an economic revolutionary and Jew hater. So in some twisted sense Hitler thought he was acting in the tradition of Jesus. If the question is, "can someone read the New Testament and then go off and do horribly bad things?" then the answer is yes. If the question is "was Hitler in the tradition of mainstream Christianity" then the answer is no.

The problem of saying "Hitler was a Christian" when by "Christian" is meant something totally different from normal usage and historical context, is that the sentence ceases to mean anything. One might as well have said "Hitler was a Zorb" because the last word is meaningless. The only "value" in saying "Hitler was a Christian" with an iconoclastic meaning for "Christian" is as a tool of anti-Christian propaganda towards the end of misleading people.

The KKK..ok I'll give you that some of the things they did was by Christians who thought that was right.  But they are the minority.  Take a look at the world around you Bill and Jo...Take a long hard look at how many muslim countries support these extremist and try to tell me they are the minority.  Its the peaceful ones who mostly live in America, mind you who are the minority.  The rest of them want us dead.  I don't care what the Qu'ran teaches, or what it claims, those  extremists out number the rest of them.  Don't believe me?  Turn on the news.  Watch the protests in Palistine, or Iran, or Pakastan, or just about any other country that is ruled by Muslims.

Now, lets get back to something, since you stillwant to try and blame all of it on Christianity.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It makes a breeding ground for discrimination, and it's pretty much all because of that belief.

Christians were not around before Christ came.  What is your basis for discrimination before then?

Well actually I only mentioned the Nazis becuase Peon did...I wasn't quite sure to be honest, so I'm sorry, I should have checked on it. But you're not quite getting me...sigh, no one is. But for you..we should talk about something else methinks. Um, muslims on the whole are not extremists. Many of them are angry at america becuase we keep butting into their business, just as we would in their situation, and so that's why you always hear them say that they support the extremists. But it's generally on their cause, not their means. Granted, there are more extremists in the muslim faith than in the christian faith, but why do you think that is? Because the muslim faith is inherently violent? Pardon me, but that is a very shallow look on things. You have to take everything into consideration, else you're just not being fair, much less accurate. For one thing, muslim countries are generally very poor, and have very large low classes. It may be hard for you or I to understand since we live in such a powerful country, but when you live in that sort of environment, not much positive energy comes out of it. Also keep in mind their history..what we, the west, did to them, took from them. They don't have much reason to like us based on that, and it's hard to overlook it even in light of the many good things the west has done. Also keep in mind that the media does not tell us everything.. The muslim world has a very different 'side of the story'. I know it's easy to dislike groups of people...it's very easy, that's why discrimination and racism is so common. You have to recognize this, and re-think accordingly. Muslims are not inherently evil..
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Master~Plan @ July 10 2004,4:21)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I said "the world would be a much better place were it not for that belief."  Let us not beat around the bush..just go for the gold.  Why am I wrong?
no one is beating around the bush, peon nailed it \/
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well, it certainly doesn't benefit those who want to  do what ever they want, so long as they were good enough to get into heavan.

Jesus said that nobody (meaning nobody) gets to the father except through me (Jesus, not me personally).

If Jesus is right, then the belief only Christians get into heavan is a benefit to humanity.  It would be the false beliefs of others or the how some Christians get the message accross that would not be of benefit to humanity.

If Jesus lied, then we are left with what Paul said, Christians are the greatest fools of all history.  And the christian beleif would not be of benefit to humanity in the case.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I know it's easy for you to blow off what I say just becuase you think I'm a biased, misinformed, deluded person
for what its worth, I don't think your some deluded person. I don't take what you say very seriously because I think you rely to heavily on speculation. Thats all
Master Plan, pardon me but, if I am relying on speculation, then so are you. Belief, if you prefer. I also like using logic...which is universally appreciated.. And believe it or not, I do take what you say seriously. See..by beliefs are very..unique. I'd rather not talk about it though. Anyways..I would like it if you'd do the same for me. Ok, so the Christian belief that everyone who does not believe in Jesus will go to hell has benefited the world because it allows for people to get into heaven. But see, I'm not talking about the heaven bit. I'm talking about the hell. You believe that I am going to go to hell, for instance. Does that change how you approach me and my beliefs?
your right WW! and WW2 wenn't started started for religious reasons, but u could say WW2 did have a little to to do with religion, I just went on what peon said. But would there be fighting in the middle east if there wasn't any religion. Would u still have September 11th. Just a thought.

Peon said:
There have also been alot of things done under the banner of Christianity that was not Christian at all. For example Hitler and the KKK.

Well I was talking to my mom, and she was saying not alot of catholics believe that only people that believe in Jesus will go to heaven. It would really make no sense, if u had a muslum person that lived a good life, worked for alot of charities, helped the homeless etc. etc. he wouldn't go to hell just because he looks at Jesus as a prophet not the son of god. Of cource I guess u can believe what u want, but wouldn't it suck if I meet u in heaven and I still have different beliefs. I guess I'll go to church next week and talk to farther about it. He's a cool guy.
So anyone read those Silvia Brown books. She talks to dead people.

Who likes harry potter? I actually like Hagred better. I wish I had a dragon.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well I was talking to my mom, and she was saying not alot of catholics believe that only people that believe in Jesus will go to heaven.

I don't put much faith in the catholic churh or any church for that matter.
well the catholic church believs that Jesus christ is the son of god and u have to go through him. But not all catholics believe that. I used to only trust the catholic church and I thought all other churches were wrong. Now I don't trust any church. Just a few priests who I know that I like bouncing questions off.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Gods_Peon @ July 10 2004,3:35)]WWI and WWII were not started on religious baises.  They were started by envious people who wanted to propogate their forms of atheism through out the world.  More people died in those two wars then all religious wars added up through out history.

Lets not forget the Korean and Vietnam wars.  They were politically motivated.  So was the cold war.  With very few exceptions, we can pretty much say that all wars have been over territory expansion and not religious expansion.
JoBlow is right though.  Were there no religions, there would be less wars--less conflict in general.  Actually kindof what I'm talking about actually..  Religions do a whole lot of good for the world, but certain aspects of them generate strife and animosity among groups of people, even if only subconcious.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Master Plan, pardon me but, if I am relying on speculation, then so are you.  Belief, if you prefer.  I also like using logic...which is universally appreciated..  And believe it or not, I do take what you say seriously.
Don't get me wrong, I love logic. I think there is a line that divides belief and speculation. I figure you don't because you don't believe in a universal truth, so I"ll bear with you. I don't blow off everything you say either. I'll read what you post multiple times because I see the thought you put into a lot of your posts. Statements about what the world would be like with a different variable seems moot to me. I would call it speculation because its anyones guess as to what the world would be like if "this" were to happen. Its anyone's guess
My beliefs are based on what I have personally found to be true. You call that speculation because you know no truth. Were just not argueing on level ground.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]See..by beliefs are very..unique.  I'd rather not talk about it though.  Anyways..I would like it if you'd do the same for me.
alrite, fair enough. Just be careful of when you speculate, theres not a lot to be said after we both give opinions. I love logical discussions though. I am very interested in you beliefs too. If you would rather not talk about it, thats cool, but I"m interested.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Ok, so the Christian belief that everyone who does not believe in Jesus will go to hell has benefited the world because it allows for people to get into heaven.  But see, I'm not talking about the heaven bit.  I'm talking about the hell.  You believe that I am going to go to hell, for instance.  Does that change how you approach me and my beliefs?
If you had a cure for cancer, wouldn't you try to give to as many people as possible?
now to answer your question directly. I know where your going with this, so hear me out...
(1:Hearing your belief already being a Christian)I am interested in your belief. Like you said, I come into the conversation knowing the consequences of sin. I identify you by talking to you as not a "Christian" and I listen to your belief, but I don't throw it out the window. I hold it up to my belief, and compare. Then I would tell you why your belief does not make sense to me. If I don't see anything wrong with your belief, then I have a lot of studying to do. It has happened to me a couple times. After studying up, usually I find things that don't add up, and the belief can be ruled out as not truth. I have yet to see a belief that has gone through as much scrutiny as Christianity, and still hold true.
(2: hearing your belief, not having one of my own)Hypothetically if I had no beliefs of my own, of course I would recieve your belief a lot differently, having no foundation of my own. I wouldn't argue about something I didn't know anything about
(3:hearing your belief while having one other than christianity) don't know what I would think, its all speculation. I might like your belief better than the one I already have, I might be just a zealous follower, don't know...

that answer your question?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]JoBlow is right though. Were there no religions, there would be less wars--less conflict in general.

I agree totally. And when Jesus returns to set up his millenial reign, you will be proven quite correct.
But with catholics they believe in mary more then Jesus i know this cause i live in a cotholic country and we are not giving isreal weapons we just support them
well would there be a jesus if there wasn't a mary.
Cool I guess your not american. How many catholic countries are there. Is mexico and Brazil a catholic country. I think portugal is because I'm part goan and goa was a portugese colony. And they have a white church on almost every street.

But I don't think catholicsgive more importance to mary, I know I've probobly prayed to mary more than jesus.

Here's a question, do u find the rosary very long. I used to do it with my parents every night, and sometimes it felt like forever.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Master~Plan @ July 10 2004,8:34)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Master Plan, pardon me but, if I am relying on speculation, then so are you.  Belief, if you prefer.  I also like using logic...which is universally appreciated..  And believe it or not, I do take what you say seriously.
Don't get me wrong, I love logic. I think there is a line that divides belief and speculation. I figure you don't because you don't believe in a universal truth, so I"ll bear with you. I don't blow off everything you say either. I'll read what you post multiple times because I see the thought you put into a lot of your posts. Statements about what the world would be like with a different variable seems moot to me. I would call it speculation because its anyones guess as to what the world would be like if "this" were to happen. Its anyone's guess
My beliefs are based on what I have personally found to be true. You call that speculation because you know no truth. Were just not argueing on level ground.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]See..by beliefs are very..unique.  I'd rather not talk about it though.  Anyways..I would like it if you'd do the same for me.
alrite, fair enough. Just be careful of when you speculate, theres not a lot to be said after we both give opinions. I love logical discussions though. I am very interested in you beliefs too. If you would rather not talk about it, thats cool, but I"m interested.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Ok, so the Christian belief that everyone who does not believe in Jesus will go to hell has benefited the world because it allows for people to get into heaven.  But see, I'm not talking about the heaven bit.  I'm talking about the hell.  You believe that I am going to go to hell, for instance.  Does that change how you approach me and my beliefs?
If you had a cure for cancer, wouldn't you try to give to as many people as possible?
now to answer your question directly. I know where your going with this, so hear me out...
(1:Hearing your belief already being a Christian)I am interested in your belief. Like you said, I come into the conversation knowing the consequences of sin. I identify you by talking to you as not a "Christian" and I listen to your belief, but I don't throw it out the window. I hold it up to my belief, and compare. Then I would tell you why your belief does not make sense to me. If I don't see anything wrong with your belief, then I have a lot of studying to do. It has happened to me a couple times. After studying up, usually I find things that don't add up, and the belief can be ruled out as not truth. I have yet to see a belief that has gone through as much scrutiny as Christianity, and still hold true.
(2: hearing your belief, not having one of my own)Hypothetically if I had no beliefs of my own, of course I would recieve your belief a lot differently, having no foundation of my own. I wouldn't argue about something I didn't know anything about
(3:hearing your belief while having one other than christianity) don't know what I would think, its all speculation. I might like your belief better than the one I already have, I might be just a zealous follower, don't know...

that answer your question?
My beliefs are not based on facts, and neither are yours. By definition beliefs are things that we 'believe' are true, not necessarily know are true. I believe quite a bit of things that I have personally found to be true, that make sense in my mind, but I know that I could be completely wrong so I am always open to other ideas. Hence the relative truth thing.

If we had the cure for cancer, yes, we should aspire to spread it around as much as possible. But some people might not want the cure, some may say that they've found a different way to cure it. Unfathomable as this may be, I think we should leave these people alone to their own cures and associated happiness. But that's getting slightly off topic. Hmm..did that answer my question.. Yes and no, becuase I realized that this can't work on an individual basis unfortunately. It's the large groups, the collectivism, that causes the damage. Unfortunately the only real examples that I can give are the worst case senarios, for instance, the Crusades. Yes I know things are very different now, but things like this can happen on a lesser extent. You want to spread the love of christ..but here's the doozy. At what cost? And is that right?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Gods_Peon @ July 10 2004,8:58)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]JoBlow is right though.  Were there no religions, there would be less wars--less conflict in general.

I agree totally.  And when Jesus returns to set up his millenial reign, you will be proven quite correct.
Ermm..pardon my ignorance, but I don't understand..
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]My beliefs are not based on facts, and neither are yours.
oh is that a fact?
hehe, sorry I couldn't resist
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]By definition beliefs are things that we 'believe' are true, not necessarily know are true.
good call, I know there is a God. Just because you don't think its probable for a God to exist, don't make assumptions about the credibility. My conviction is supported by facts.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I believe quite a bit of things that I have personally found to be true, that make sense in my mind, but I know that I could be completely wrong so I am always open to other ideas.  Hence the relative truth thing.  
So, you do accept there could be a universal truth because your belief could be wrong?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Yes and no, becuase I realized that this can't work on an individual basis unfortunately.  It's the large groups, the collectivism, that causes the damage.  Unfortunately the only real examples that I can give are the worst case senarios, for instance, the Crusades.  Yes I know things are very different now, but things like this can happen on a lesser extent.  You want to spread the love of christ..but here's the doozy.  At what cost?  And is that right?
I personally don't spread God's love. He already loves everyone. I try to tell people about it, because they might not know... The crusades are not a direct result of spreading the love of Christ. The crusades are a direct result of people not reading the Bible. Rebels without a cause, who call themselves Christians. The more people who know what the Bible says, and live by it, the less trageties(like the crusades) that will happen. So I believe it would help to try harder.
1st thing my parents are missionarys we sacrafice to live in crappy places
2nd they were roman catholics they are different then christians
missonarys tell people about jesus like in mongolia people dont know the name jesus at all
NO offence but I don't like missionairies. Alot of them go around poor crappy countries and offer gifts if the people come pray with them, which I don't think its right. Plus I think u should let them be. Y can't they believe in what ever they believe, just because u disagree doesn't mean u should go in there and try to change them into your beliefs (maybe even your image. Sounds very biblical). But I think of them Jeuvas Whitness, giong door to door trying to sell your religion (everytime they come to my house my dad invites them in to do the rosary, then the go away real fast. My friend just unties his dog, not a good thing to do but funny).

Again I'm not trying to insult u just don't like what they do, your parents might be different.:)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Master~Plan @ July 11 2004,9:46)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]My beliefs are not based on facts, and neither are yours.
oh is that a fact?
hehe, sorry I couldn't resist
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]By definition beliefs are things that we 'believe' are true, not necessarily know are true.
good call, I know there is a God. Just because you don't think its probable for a God to exist, don't make assumptions about the credibility. My conviction is supported by facts.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I believe quite a bit of things that I have personally found to be true, that make sense in my mind, but I know that I could be completely wrong so I am always open to other ideas.  Hence the relative truth thing.  
So, you do accept there could be a universal truth because your belief could be wrong?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Yes and no, becuase I realized that this can't work on an individual basis unfortunately.  It's the large groups, the collectivism, that causes the damage.  Unfortunately the only real examples that I can give are the worst case senarios, for instance, the Crusades.  Yes I know things are very different now, but things like this can happen on a lesser extent.  You want to spread the love of christ..but here's the doozy.  At what cost?  And is that right?
I personally don't spread God's love. He already loves everyone. I try to tell people about it, because they might not know... The crusades are not a direct result of spreading the love of Christ. The crusades are a direct result of people not reading the Bible. Rebels without a cause, who call themselves Christians. The more people who know what the Bible says, and live by it, the less trageties(like the crusades) that will happen. So I believe it would help to try harder.
Er..there is a very slight difference that you're not quite getting. You're conviction is supported by facts..but that does not translate to your belief being a fact. But whatever..it doesn't really matter to me. I just feel that 'knowing' that there is a God and all that goes along with him is true defeats the entire purpose of having faith. But it's up to you. And yes, I do accept that there could be a universal truth becuase I could be completely wrong..I don't think I am, but I accept the possibility. I think that's a healthy way to about things..because otherwise it's possible for one to make some big mistakes that would be otherwise avoidable. See...there are still things that I just cannot explain. Like, for instance, my mother was drowning in a river..she saw a light and the whole bit (which actually has something to do with what happens to your eyes as you die..I forget what, must look it up again)..and then was suddenly thrown out of the water against the current onto a rock. How did this happen? A freak occurence of physics..or a miracle? I do not know. And because I don't know, I cannot rule out the possibility that I am wrong. But aaaanyways.. Yes, you're right that the people in the crusades pretty much never read the bible..and the wars were fought primarily for economic and political reasons..and I guess they're a bad example, but there was certainly a part of their motivation that was based upon the fact that they were merely killing people who were going to go to hell. Absolute worst case senario, so don't read too far into it. The point is, you say that the more people live by the Bible, as opposed to, say, the Quran or the Torah, there would be less conflict and animosity? I do not think so...both of those texts, as well as pretty much every other major religion's respective teachings, are peaceful, and focus on bringing the best out of humanity. Everyone thinks they are right, and it is from this that conflicts arise. Ironic, isn't it? You are right though. If we were all one religion, there would not be as much fighting..but that will never happen..and there's nothing we can do about that. And yet, you try, and in trying it often only makes things worse. And that, after a very long seqway, is what I'm talking about. Oh dear, I've rambled for too long..I hope that makes sense. One more thing tho..I remember you said that you said that you have yet to see a belief that as gone through as much scrutiny as Christianity and still 'holds true'..not sure what you meant by that bit, but what about Judaism?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (JoBlow @ July 11 2004,12:09)]NO offence but I don't like missionairies. Alot of them go around poor crappy countries and offer gifts if the people come pray with them, which I don't think its right. Plus I think u should let them be. Y can't they believe in what ever they believe, just because u disagree doesn't mean u should go in there and try to change them into your beliefs (maybe even your image. Sounds very biblical). But I think of them Jeuvas Whitness, giong door to door trying to sell your religion (everytime they come to my house my dad invites them in to do the rosary, then the go away real fast. My friend just unties his dog, not a good thing to do but funny).

Again I'm not trying to insult u just don't like what they do, your parents might be different.:)
Yeah..I agree. I think that people should be left to decide for themselves what they believe. God will come to them if they choose to accept them...missionaries just butt into things. It's kindof insulting actually. For instance..after my Grandmother died..she was a Presbyterian I think..a Babtist missionary came to my Grandfather's door and said "Your wife may have gone to hell because she wasn't a Babtist, but there is still hope for you."
what the hell, that seems so wrong. But I guess it fits with that pastor who protests outside funerals of gay men, screaming your son is going to hell.
Don't u love freedom of speech.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (JoBlow @ July 11 2004,12:44)]what the hell, that seems so wrong. But I guess it fits with that pastor who protests outside funerals of gay men, screaming your son is going to hell.
Don't u love freedom of speech.
I do love it, actually...it's much better than the alternative. But yeah..sometimes people abuse it..but there's not much we can do about that.