Have a listen to this...

It was pretty painful to listen to. I side strongly with Mohammed, but not totally. Andrea was just ganged up upon, and was probably not the right person to have a proper discussion with. Needless to say I'm not listening to it again, as there are enough war/anti-war debates going on to last me a decade or two.
Nothing painful about listening to that. It is a perfect example of how an anti-war person knowing absolutely nothing about her cause.She has good intentions, but she doesn't know anything at all about Sadam or Iraq. A few nights ago on the news, they were showing an anti-war rally where a group of 7th graders were speaking against the war. [sarcasm] All their wisdom and knowledge they've attained over the years gives them all kinds of authority to speak against this (or any) war.[/sarcasm]

To me, it didn't seem like the girl was being double teamed. I do think they showed her a lack of respect and didn't give her much of a chance to speak, but she did keep repeating herself and she kept avoiding answering the question simply because she had no answer for it. On the radio the other day, they were interviewing some of the anti-war protestors. They basically asked them, 'what alternative to war would you suggest in dealing with Sadam and Iraq'. The answer every time was the same. "I don't know."