

New Member
So this is something I've always asked myself, and really I have come to the conclusion that heaven is so amazing, it simply works, and that we're supposed to be there to give glory to God, however here is the question: If different people have different opinions on what would be the "perfect" place for them, can heaven really be the single perfect place for everyone? I know being with God is the focal point of heaven, however I just can't help but think given free will, some people would start being like "Okay I love God and all, but I wanna go do X, Y, or Z".

I really don't have an issue with this myself, but I just wanted to ask what you guys thought about this.
Where do you get that will is free? I certainly don't believe that. That is a big presupposition that would affect this question.

Also, I think that the XYZ is exactly what we will be doing for eternity. God is infinite and we are not becoming gods in Heaven. We will constantly be learning and growing for eternity as we learn from an infinite God. Think about that!!! We will NEVER know everything there is to know about God, since He is limitless. We will be participating in XYZ for ever. I would think all the creativity and desires that God has given you now will continue right on to the New Earth.
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Where do you get that will is free? I certainly don't believe that. That is a big presupposition that would affect this question.

Also, I think that the XYZ is exactly what we will be doing for eternity. God is infinite and we are not becoming gods in Heaven. We will constantly be learning and growing for eternity as we learn from an infinite God. Think about that!!! We will NEVER know everything there is to know about God, since He is limitless. We will be participating in XYZ for ever. I would think all the creativity and desires that God has given you now will continue right on to the New Earth.

Given that we can freely make choices, and are not puppets, we have the freedom to do what we please, God's commands aside of course. I agree we'll be doing XYZ for enternity, however the point I was trying to get at was what if what I'm doing makes someone else mad. What about if my idea of perfect is what someone else finds extremely repulsive, just in a hypothetical sense. Don't get me wrong, I don't think any of this is an issue really, I just wanted opinions/discussion on it :P
Not being puppets speaks to Free Agency ( I believe we have this) but not necessarily Free Will (I believe the Bible teaches we do not have this).

I think that with the glorified bodies and minds we will have ultimate patience and love for each other, I doubt anyone will want to do anything repulsive to another, nor would anyone feel that way when we have such a unrestrained capacity for love.
Not being puppets speaks to Free Agency ( I believe we have this) but not necessarily Free Will (I believe the Bible teaches we do not have this).

I think that with the glorified bodies and minds we will have ultimate patience and love for each other, I doubt anyone will want to do anything repulsive to another, nor would anyone feel that way when we have such a unrestrained capacity for love.

I suppose on the free will thing we need a 3rd party to clarify either position since I believe that is free will, and you believe its free agency...meh who knows. Anywho, I believe God will make everything to be the way he wants it, and there will not be any issue, but I suppose its something to think about as far as a "what if" scenario.
I just wonder if there will be Spam roll ups at the Heavenly Banquet table.
No, that's repulsive.

Heaven is where the throne of God is. I want to be there. Everything else is irrelevant (beside the feast - can't ignore the feast).
No, that's repulsive.

Heaven is where the throne of God is. I want to be there. Everything else is irrelevant (beside the feast - can't ignore the feast).

Well I would not say irrelevant. Jesus commands us to think about things in Heaven, and I don't see that verse saying ONLY think about the throne of God. I feel that to short change thoughts on Heaven really affects our excitement and longing for our true home. God commands us to prepare for it and think about it.

Colossians 3:2
Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.
Well I would not say irrelevant. Jesus commands us to think about things in Heaven, and I don't see that verse saying ONLY think about the throne of God. I feel that to short change thoughts on Heaven really affects our excitement and longing for our true home. God commands us to prepare for it and think about it.
I was being somewhat facetious. Lousy internet. . .how about this? Picture me with a mischievous grin as you read my previous post.

I'd give a serious answer, but the Bible remains mostly silent on how things are going to work after we go to Heaven. Speculation can only get you so far (often in the wrong direction).
So this is something I've always asked myself, and really I have come to the conclusion that heaven is so amazing, it simply works, and that we're supposed to be there to give glory to God, however here is the question: If different people have different opinions on what would be the "perfect" place for them, can heaven really be the single perfect place for everyone? I know being with God is the focal point of heaven, however I just can't help but think given free will, some people would start being like "Okay I love God and all, but I wanna go do X, Y, or Z".

I really don't have an issue with this myself, but I just wanted to ask what you guys thought about this.

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14 1-3

With this statement several things must be true about Heaven. Jesus implicitly says there are many mansions (or rooms in other translations) within Heaven. Rooms or mansions are separated places with different purposes either for different people or for different functions. Therefore the Father's house may be seen as a large room where everyone congregates forever but within it there are individual places. The "I go to prepare a place for you" relates partially to Christ's sacrifice so we can get to that place, however, the statement's placement directly after the mansion part also seems to infer that among these different places one is specifically for you. From this, and the fact that Heaven must be perfection, I believe Heaven will be a perfection specifically tailored for you but may be different from another person's Heaven. Mark 10:37-40 seems to support different places for different people in Heaven. Of course we too must be made perfect and born again to exist in Heaven. Since we will lose our sinful nature and have our own place and purpose in Heaven I can't see how people could cause each other any problems in Heaven.

Life on Earth is like being part of a machine. Sin itself is not a creation unto itself but a mistiming or misplacement. Earth's machine parts grind, wear down and break because we do everything out of time or place Ecclesiastes 3. Being imperfect all our output is imperfect and we cannot escape the cycle of imperfection. In Heaven however your part is placed perfectly to run forever. That place is no other's nor will you act or even desire to act out of your place. It doesn't get any better than perfection and God is infinite (there goes boredom) so why would I want to do anything else?

For lack of time and being a different topic I will refrain from posting about free will vs pre-destination.
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So this is something I've always asked myself, and really I have come to the conclusion that heaven is so amazing, it simply works, and that we're supposed to be there to give glory to God, however here is the question: If different people have different opinions on what would be the "perfect" place for them, can heaven really be the single perfect place for everyone? I know being with God is the focal point of heaven, however I just can't help but think given free will, some people would start being like "Okay I love God and all, but I wanna go do X, Y, or Z".

I really don't have an issue with this myself, but I just wanted to ask what you guys thought about this.

TheMonkey says:

There is no "I love God but..." there is only "I love God and bananas".

TheMonkey quotes you:
can heaven really be the single perfect place for everyone?

and replies with:

Yes. You have a personal relationship with Jesus and that personal relationship will result in how you experience eternity with him and the father and holy spirit. My heaven will have me cultivating Bananas and I will share them by the bunch. Your heaven will be different but it will be the same single place (if you can use such paltry terms such as "place" to describe heaven) and it will be uniquely perfect for all.

May you be blessed with many Banana's!
So this is something I've always asked myself, and really I have come to the conclusion that heaven is so amazing, it simply works, and that we're supposed to be there to give glory to God, however here is the question: If different people have different opinions on what would be the "perfect" place for them, can heaven really be the single perfect place for everyone? I know being with God is the focal point of heaven, however I just can't help but think given free will, some people would start being like "Okay I love God and all, but I wanna go do X, Y, or Z".

I really don't have an issue with this myself, but I just wanted to ask what you guys thought about this.

Good question. I wonder if I would be sitting on Heaven's best computer playing the greatest RTS games imaginable.

But when I think more about God, Heaven, and His Kingdom, I begin to realise: was I made for video games? Was I made for sex, or alcohol, or pleasure? No; pleasure is made for me, but I was made for God.

I have no idea what Heaven will be like. But I do know that for those who love God above all things, Heaven will be better than any pleasure on Earth ever will be. There will be no more tears, sorrow, or worries. There will be no more pain, uncertainty, or boredom. Just holy happiness and joy. Forever.
Hmmm, I will just offer a single thought and question...

The Bible makes it clear in several places that to truly be followers of Christ we are to love Him far above all other things/persons by comparison.

Do you ever get tired/bored of someone that you really love?

Personally, I can't get enough of God and no matter how much time I spend with Him I always want more... just that my human body can't contain it all. In my new glorified body in Heaven, that limitation will no longer be there. :)
Great point, Rev. Jim.

What I've noticed in my own walk is that the deeper I grow in my faith, my relationship with God... I desire different things than I did before. I think that as we continue to grow, we change our shape to become more like Christ, and therefore act differently, want different things...

After our purification and sanctification, I suspect that we'll want even different things, and when we are truly in the physical presence of the Lord, our earthly desires will fade away. Not because they have to, but because we want them to.
Even as I live, I wish my Earthly desires would fade away. But alas, computer games and forums are very strong forces, almost impossible to ignore. :)

If my life in Heaven is spent among the choirs of Heaven and the cherubim and seraphim exalting our Lord in the Heavenly tones of the Divine Liturgy, I think I could be no happier.

Святий Боже, Святий кріпкий, Святий Святий Святий безсмертний, Святий Святий Святий помилуй нас.
(Ukrainian: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Holy Holy Immortal One, Holy Holy Holy One have mercy on us.)
I'm with you there. It would be so much easier if my sinful desires would just pass away. But I think that's part of being a human. We live our struggles so that Christ may be exalted in our lives - if we are to be the light on a hill.... are we truly a light if we don't show triumph over our struggles through Jesus?

God uses our shortcomings and struggles to reach out to others that are lost, broken, and hurting. Being able to identify their struggles with ours gives us an easy opportunity to show that sin, desire, shames, and struggles can be overcome.

When I was broken, I didn't want to hear from someone that never faced my struggle... I wanted to hear from someone who had been where I was, and that person used the light of Christ to help guide me out of my despair.