Hello. 3v3 tourney anyone?


New Member
im thinking about hosting a 3v3 tourney with some people from Lions of Judah.

i was more or less trying to gauge interest on these forums.

Please post if interested

***RP prize for tourney****
I'd probably just be a bum leg on the tripod, but if a team needed one more and I somehow managed to make the game, I could bring my A-game Morgana (or C-game Blitzcrank) and try not to embarrass myself.
well the tournament dates have been decided. tentatively between the 20th and the 24th of june. i will post more details when i can......


EACH TEAM WILL SUPPORT A MISSIONARY/CHURCH organization. there will be a small entry fee (5-10 bucks) and 70% will go to the winning teams affiliation, the remaining 30% will go to the runner-ups affiliation.

PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR INFORMATION (team roster/affiliation)

I will post more infomation as team start to sign up.
also, dont worry about being bad or not winning.... this is for fun. Also, were helping further the gospel!!!!
LOL... yea I will throw my name in too, However I stink, I will come on my account Dragno Tarsis

Ill see what I can set up team wise.
i will be cancelling the tournament. i havent gotten one team to sign up and am now heading out of town the weekend it was scheduled.