Hello all!


New Member
I just wanted to say thank you for letting me join you all! I'm looking forward in adventuring with ya’ll both in game and spiritually!

My mage, Rakiel, is currently level 10. Like I told some others I came from a guild on the Silvermoon server that just wasn’t the best fit for me. I had a level 70 BE Paladin and 67 undead rogue. We were doing Kara and just started on…ummm…whatever the next step is…it’s been awhile :)

A little about myself: I'm 25 and live in the great state of South Carolina. I just finished my MBA and am getting married in April! Thats pretty much it that's intresting :)

Anyway I just wanted to stop in and say Hi and look forward to raiding with ya’ll one day!

Great to have you will us Bill. I love to help folks lvl up so let me know if i can help you in any way. In game I'm Deamiter/Cooptroop/Jehu mostly. Give me a /w and we will get you up quick!
Great to have you. You will find this guild rocks!!
Woot thanks Bald and tree!

Any help would be great! Its fun to level, but its even more fun to hang out with guildies...
Welcome Rakiel!!!

Let me know if you need any help. We all make it an effort to help each other out. my toons are Jadoron, Jadice, and Mirakle.

Welcome again! and you will find that Redeemed Rocks!! :D
<Throws pillow at Jad> Welcome to the guild Rakiel!

One thing about Redeemed that I must warn you about.....they like pies.