Help for a lowly Hunter

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New Member
Hi guys, I'am enjoying the guild allthough I've been very quiet in guild chat

I've got a few questions being that Essau is my first WOW toon. I will be 29 soon and plan to stay at that level awhile to work on my PvP skills in the Battle grounds. What armor and weapons should I be using at level 29 to be viable in the BG?......I've looked around the websites at leather armor,but there is so much out there that I'am more confused then ever now--If you check me on "The Armory" you'll see I'am using mostly stuff I picked up off the ground.

Also need advice on Hunter stratagies---Been learning to "kite" but it's taking awhile-----

Any hints for making Gold---I got Mining and blacksmith(which seems dumb in hindsite since I am stuck with leather until 40)---also do alittle fishing

*****More importantly please remember me in your prays as I've hit abit of a spiritual lull--I am rereading Rick Warrens "Purpose driven life" to try to renew myself****

My first suggestion would be to go to and check out the instance drops. A lot of the better armor drops during instances. Shadowfang Keep may have a couple for you, although that drops more cloth. Also checking the auction house regularly will help you find new gear. We have a good chunk of Hunters in MSC, so if you are on ask them for suggestions in-game.

On the other topic, I will be praying for you :D
I'd love to help, but I mostly do PVE. You might want to switch professions to skinning and leatherworking if you want to make your own armor. Otherwise, use what you have and sell/auction the mining mats on the AH. I'm specced marksman, but I don't think that is as effective PVP as PVE. I've heard tell Beastmaster is a good spec for PVP for something another hunter I know calls "the Big Red Pet" and Survivial is good for traps and melee. As for Armor...check AH, I usually find something on there once a week that's an upgrade.
For your skills right now? Go skinning and Mining. It will net you the cash you need all the way till 50. Besides, I can make you just about anything you need mail wise as well as some weapons. And Thorium is making a killing on our server right now. Heres some stuff I pulled off the web for you as well as any hunter:
P.1 PvP in a Nutshell

In case you don't want to read through all of this guide, or just want a quick summary of the important points, here's some cliffs notes:

1. Focus on agility and stamina for PvP. Those stats are far more important than any other.

2. Choose a ranged and melee weapon with the highest max damage that you can find, regardless of its DPS. PvP is all about burst damage -- doing a ton of damage in a short time so that your opponent does not have time to heal or react. As a hunter, you want them dead before they know what hit them. Ignore weapons with low damage and high speed, even purple ones, as those are more suitable for PvE.

3. Aimedshot + multishot + autoshot "three-shot combo" is your main burst damage, it consists of a set of 3 attacks that comes pretty much instantaneously. Hit your aimed shot button, start spamming your multishot button, and then you'll get your multishot then autoshot right after your aimed shot casts. Use this combo whenever possible, such as when your target is
a. stationary (i.e. not running towards or away from you)
b. crowd controlled such as by scattershot, intimidation, freezing trap, entrapment, etc.
c. busy with something else, such as trying to cap a flag.

4. Get out of melee range with scattershot, feign death + freezing trap, intimidation, and wing clip. Feign death + freezing trap is in particular one of the most abusive tools that hunters have, use it every time an opponent gets within melee range. For melee, many hunters create a macro to spam raptor strike, wing clip, mongoose bite, and counterattack so that they automatically wing clip and counterattack whenever possible.

5. Learn to kite. Kiting is shooting on the run -- jump, turn and shoot an instant such as concussiveshot / stings / arcaneshot, turn back around, and land facing the original direction. Kiting is essential for killing melee opponents such as rogues, it might be difficult to learn at first but once you have it down, it's simple to execute.

6. Hunters kill leather and cloth opponents. Warriors and paladins take forever to kill so avoid them as much as possible. Rogues, druids in caster/cat form, warlocks, priests, mages are your primary targets. Choose your targets so that you maximize your killing.

7. Volley does not stop opponents from capping your flags, nor does any channeled AoE spell. You must hit an opponent with an non-channeled attack that does direct damage.

8. Trap and flare before battles. Resist the urge the run in with guns blazing before you've adequately protected yourself with a trap at your feet and a flare to keep away rogues. When you put down a trap, there is nearly a 100% chance that someone will hit it before it expires, so it is almost never a waste.

9. Get a fast attack speed pet such as Broken Tooth or ZG bat. Fast attack speed pets are amazing for interrupting spells.

10. Keep your pet on passive and manually command it to attack (or hotkey it to attack whenever you use certain abiliites) so that it does not break your CC or others'.

Here is an example of ideally how a battle against a melee class such as a warrior would turn out:

1. Lay down a freezing trap at your feet.
2. Mark the hunter, aimed shot + multishot + autoshot then concussive shot and arcane shot the warrior as he comes towards you, if you can get those off before he charges.
3. Warrior gets into melee range either and is frozen by your trap.
4. Use your PvP trinket to remove hamstring or stun if necessary.
5. Scorpid sting and run to max range, feign death + freezing trap, bandage or eat if you need to.
6. Repeat #2 to #5 until diminishing returns.
7. Apply serpent sting and kite the warrior to death using scatter shot, wing clip, frost trap to keep out of intercept range.

1.3 Talent Spec

Talent specs are somewhat of a stylistic issue, and there are many variants that work well. I recommend reading some of the FAQs here and elsewhere or posting in a separate thread if you have any questions or would like to debate the effectiveness of various specs. I don't want to get into this in depth since it's a controversial issue, but I will at least note some of my own personal observations since I've experimented extensively with various specs:

*If you're starting out and don't know what else to do, put points in MM until you have at least scattershot. This is because aimed shot is integral to PvP and PvE so I recommend getting that first regardless of what you are doing; and if you're getting AS, you might as well continue down the same tree to get your first CC ability, scattershot.

*0/21/30 is the classic PvP build. It focuses on burst damage with its +crit talents, and it gives decent survivability.

*0/31/20 is particularly useful if you have in a group that can stay together for the TSA benefits. It is somewhat less flexible than 0/21/30 but is a good overall build if you want to do both PvP and PvE.

*31/20/0 is a fun spec since it turns your pet into a killing machine every 2 minutes. It is great for destroying casters in particular, and is a good option for hunters with poor gear since your pet has fixed stats (i.e. the build is not gear-dependent).

One caution about any build that does not put points into survival is they miss out on entrapment, which is one of the best PvP tools in the game period. In a non-survival build, you may do very well as an individual, but your team contribution may be more limited. Entrapment is so useful that some guilds pay their hunters to temporarily respec that way whenever they decide to PvP.
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