

New Member
I need some arguments from a christian perspective, he thinks it's all bad and it's teaching my sub-concious to kill people?
The article says, "It can be seen that it is not wrong for a Christian to play a game with killing in. Provided it doesn't make him want to kill anyone in real life."

But that's Zeke's problem, his dad thinks that it WILL make him want to kill in real life.

Rules is rules, especially when it comes from your parents.

Zeke, how old are you by the way?
That's a bit rough.

Especially if it's not your computer.

You could do a search for studies that show that video games don't promote violence, but I'm not sure that would actually help, since this is coming from a Christian perspective.
It's my computer... I bought my own desk too. I buy all my games and acessories, the only thing I don't pay for is the power.
Man, what advice can I give? I am a father of 7, my oldest two play CS with me (13, 11). There are set rules about game play such as no in-game blood or gibs and they *must* support the team objective, not turn it into a fragfest. All that aside, my suggestion? Take it to the Lord, your father has been placed over you to protect you, he does so with the knowledge that he is accountable to God in your upbringing, even at 16. Respect your father's wishes while you pray, this time can be one of reflection. Maybe the Lord is speaking thru your father to have you examine your motives for playing, time spent, etc. Above all, don't get defensive about it. If you truly believe there is unjust action being taken, you know who is the ultimate Judge who dishes out righteous justice. Its tough but I think if you seek to change your father's mind by taking it to the Lord in prayer, I think you will be happier in the end.

best thing i can say is rizz's page, and I'd be happy to talk to ur dad at his request if he wants some questions on CS about me. I'd be a good subject since im in your team and all that.

I agree with Rizz's point, and as long as u don't run with a knife to school to get there faster, CS is alright
Just to add to the above comments. You must respect your parents decision. If you can convince them that CS is an ok thing then thats sweet. But if not then you should abide by their decision.
You should be happy he is banning you.  Games are a waste of youth (well not just youth, they are a waste of time period).  Seriously they take up too much time when you should be out doing fun stuff or working.  I know, because I found out the hard way.  Looking back I wish I would not have played them so much, probably is the reason i rarely play them now(maybe once a week if that).  Honor your parents, I am sure you will be happy you did in the end.  
If games are a waste of time, so is pretty much every other form of entertainment. Just don't play them to excess is all.