hey hey


New Member
i think this is the title to bring back the super awesome daoc days.

i totally forgot about this game. hopefully i can get into the beta still and come find you guys.
If you like DAoC and were not satisfied with WoW pvp then yes it is a masterpiece in the making.

BUT it is not done yet. They can still make it over the top best MMO ever or they could mess it up.

The joys of new games.
I think the only downside to the game is: There is not much solo content, the only completely solo content is questing, which in my opinion is the worst feature of the game, not that it is bad, it is just the last thing I want to do in WAR...the grouping options are wonderful, but I want more solo content, and by that I have no clue what I mean...lol
Define solo content.

If questing is solo content, then WoW had none as well.

I for one, enjoy questing in WAR. It isn't a chore in this game. :)
I found solo content was pretty easy actually. You can join Scenarios solo, but your group really determines the outcome. WAR is a lot like WoW in soloability in questing to level up. The big difference is the open group concept and public quests. The fact your not sitting around for a couple of hours spamming 'LF healer/tank', makes it better.
For me, the Dark Age days were my favorite online rpg days. I'm thinking I'm going to love Warhammer. I'm looking forward to the pvp quests.

The game just looks like a better version of daoc.
I found solo content was pretty easy actually. You can join Scenarios solo, but your group really determines the outcome. WAR is a lot like WoW in soloability in questing to level up. The big difference is the open group concept and public quests. The fact your not sitting around for a couple of hours spamming 'LF healer/tank', makes it better.

One thing I thought of, I have yet to see a dungeon (instance)... But really me defining what I mean could cause confusion followed by anger or hunger depending on who you are...LOLZ
20 is the first I have seen at this point.

However, there is talk of more opening up at some point.

There is some kind of instance in the Tier 1 open RvR area of Ekrund. It is not open yet but definitely has a door.