Hi there...


New Member
I was encouraged to visit the boards and say Hi, so....


Tonight I am going to see the Chronicles of Narnia.

Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious!

Level 29 Druid
Hey there....

Glad to see you stopped in and made yourself known to us. :) Welcome!
Heya Darkwofle, glad to see ya. How was Narnia? (no spoilers please!)
Hey wolfy.:D Personally Narnia was ok, maybe borderline good, and that was it for me. I'm not one of those people who read the books and are all nit picky about it either.
Narnia was GREAT.

I, overcome by emotion, literally had tears at several points of the movie.

It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Of course, who will compete with the writing of C.S. Lewis...

The CGI was great, but not perfect.

I had high expectations, and it met 99% of them. To me, the point of this movie wasn't the fighting, violence, gore or blood or how it compared to LotR or anything else- it was in the story of the protagonists.

I was sucked into this movie way more than Harry Potter or LotR. No comparison, IMO, and I still feel that way knowing that this movie is intended for a younger audience than LotR.

Go see it, then go see it again, then take others to go see it.
Alot of why I, or about 90% of the 400 plus people who saw it at the same time, felt kind of blase about it is ineffable. You speak to the plight of the protaginists, but the one thing almost everyone seems to key in on is how lacking the reationships were shown and developed and especially between the children and Azland. Like I'd said I never read the books, but I obviously know what the stories underpinnings are which in some ways made those failing worse, but also can see that if I didn't there was very little rhyme or reason tying things together.

It's not hard to see someone who posseses no prior familiarity with the story or the gospel completely missing everything Lewis had intended his work for. To that person it's just another Harry Potter, another movie with magic and elves and fantasy where nothing has any reality to it becaquse it's just another product of someone's imagination.

It's great that you enjoyed it though, don't let me take away from that.
Disney is not going to highlight the Gospel links that CS Lewis intertwined in his books, it would be bad business for them to do so. Unless you are familiar with his writtings and how they related to the Gospel, it will likely go completely unnoticed, as sad as that may well be.

But on a brighter note, movies like this tend to increase readership in the books, which in turn will increase the readership of commentaries on the books. So while the Gospel links may be missed on the going, they will liekly be caught on the rebound.
Gods_Peon said:
Disney is not going to highlight the Gospel links that CS Lewis intertwined in his books, it would be bad business for them to do so. Unless you are familiar with his writtings and how they related to the Gospel, it will likely go completely unnoticed, as sad as that may well be.

i'd like to disagree with you here.. i mean to an extent

sure disney isn't going to underline the gospel links in the movie but they are still there. I'm not sure if everyone knows this but C.S. Lewis's son (or some extrememly close relative, not sure who exactly) is 2nd in command when it comes to making the movies (assuming their doing the rest of the chronicles) Lewis's relative has the power to say it has to be done like this or u can't do the movie since he is, in essence, the only one that can give permission to do the movie (much like tolken's family had to approve the LotR movies)

bottom line: i'm not sure if the Gospel Links are as prominant as Lewis would have wished.. but none-the-less they are still there
Gods_Peon said:
Disney is not going to highlight the Gospel links that CS Lewis intertwined in his books, it would be bad business for them to do so. Unless you are familiar with his writtings and how they related to the Gospel, it will likely go completely unnoticed, as sad as that may well be.

But on a brighter note, movies like this tend to increase readership in the books, which in turn will increase the readership of commentaries on the books. So while the Gospel links may be missed on the going, they will liekly be caught on the rebound.

Actually, I thought the movie was right on. I think it did a very good job of capturing the story of Narnia in a very true and Christian way. In fact, if a person misses any of that, they must've been in another theatre entirely and watching a very different movie.