HIS Visitor rank cleanup!


New Member
Hi all,

Just want to remind any members of Redeemed that may have alts in His in the rank of visitor that you need to fill out an app at the HIS website so your toon can be promoted from visitor. New website address is www.hisguild.com

Once every 2 weeks anyone listed as visitor will be removed from the guild unless they have filed an application for permanant membership.

Our visitor rank is used for visitors..what that means is people comming just to attend a service, new invitees who were invited by a council member and are awaiting approval from their app. And people just wanting to see what we are all about before they sign up.

If you have an alt in HIS please dont be discouraged if you log in and find them disbanded from the guild. Just send a tell for a reinvite and be sure to apply if you want your toon their permanant. Any questions or concerns drop me a line :) God bless!