HIS website membership sweep


New Member
Hi all,

Just wanted to let those that are both members of HIS and Redeemed know that as of today they will need to rejoin HIS at the website for membership access. This is due to the fact that we have been growing pretty fast and in order to ensure everyone that joins understands what we are about and what we expect we need to ensure there is a proper screening process. Also we as a guild use our website to handle many in game situations so we want all to be aware of whats there and how to access it. (events, forums, roleplaying, guild vault, roster, alliances, etc)

When you login to the website (you'll need to log in at the top of the page with the user name and password you created when you first joined) after you are logged in right in that same area you will see >JOIN HIS< Click this and it will take you directly to the application. If anyone has any questions or problems please let Jazmina know.