

New Member
Hey all, guild housing information is up...

I'm gonna start to hardcore save up money now... I think I'm up around 30+ plat now. I'm hoping to be able to purchase 2 properties. one for myself, and one for the guild. if it does work out, they'll probably start out both at the lowest level building, but they can be upgraded as we get more resources.

The whole system seems really robust, and it looks like it will be alot of fun to customize with decorations.

It also provides MANY very useful guild functions including guild vaults, crafters, merchants, teleporters etc.

All in all I'm very excited... and I think this will add alot to the lifespan of this game. Lemme know what you all think!
Yes, I cant wait tell guild housing comes out. Although I heard most of the payments were going to be done through rent in which you will have to pay a certain amount of money once every RL week depending on the upgrades in your house. I am running quite low on money, due to we cant seem to get DF enough for me to farm any but I do have a hefty amount of diamond seals in which I could help put towards the guild house.

We still do have a good amount of time though, because it will be opening to the public sometime in mid June.
I am new to this guild. But, I was on UO when housing began. I can tell you this from experience. BUY BUY BUY. We should get as much together as we can and buy as much as we can. Housing WILL run short. I remember people building houses around spawn sites in UO. The producers of UO were stupid I know and Mythic should do a better job. But, housing will be short and I would think we want the best we could get. I know we have issues with small amounts of people.

Have we given the thougth to an alliance house?


PS-I find it odd that I am currently selling and buying a house in the next month.
You are correct in assuming that Mythic will do it better. Unlike UO where housing could be done anywhere, housing in Camelot will be restricted to specific housing zones (i.e. suburbs, hehe) that you reach through a portal. No housing near spawn sites etc. No cluttering of the landscape, etc.
Hi all,

The housing stuff looks awesome. Im really excited. What I think would be neat would be if we could all somehow be together when it comes out. Would be cool to own our homes right near the guild hall. I do want everyone to have a part in determining what will be in the guild hall. What will be nice is everyone will be able to deposit items in the guild vaults and withdraw items they can use. Maybe we can set up a weapon/armor vault, a crafters vault, and a guild hall expense vault. The other nice thing is its supposed to go live around the time i'll be able to access the game aain. Well bye all.