HOWTO: Decurse like a pro! (for mages)


New Member
1.) Download clique.
2.) Open your spell book.
3.) Click on the clique tab (the cute little bunny) - the screen will pop up.
4.) Click on the arcane tab and go to "Remove Lesser Curse"
5.) Using one of your special mouse buttons (i.e. one of the thumb buttons), click on the spell.

You should see a new item in the Clique window.

From now on, when you press the thumb button while hovering over someone's raid frame, you will decurse them. No need to explicitly target them and press a key.

Any time you're raiding, make sure you can see every raid member. If you're using the default frames, just drag them out from the raid info window, if you're using pitbull or similar, it will likely already just be up on your screen once you enter a raid.

Decursing is always a first priority - tanks come first, then everyone else. If you're capable of decursing yourself - do so. From now on, if you're a mage and haven't decursed yourself, particularly during Noth - I'm happy to let you wipe the raid :)

The only exception to this "decurse yourself" rule is tree druids who are busy healing people that haven't been decursed yet.

Why this is important:

1.) Curses often cut healing done or increase damage taken - this is obvious why this is bad.

2.) In the case of Saph, it heals him - i.e. the longer it takes for the curses to be dropped, the more health he gains and the more damage and healing needs to be done.

3.) I'm not a big fan of purple. In fact, it's quite an unsettling color to me and can make me rather upset :)

If you need help setting this up, please let me know in game and we'll get on vent and take care of it. can, however I find that most people either don't want to use up a macro spot (in my case) or do better with UI based approaches rather than macros (i.e. type it incorrectly, have an incorrect semi-colon, etc...)
I use Grid to help determine who needs heals \ cleansing. I set up grid to pop up what I can clean right smack in the middle of the targets box, hard to miss. Mouse over, mouse button 4, mouse over next, mouse button 4 and over and over.
as a follow-up to this...

if you *do* elect to use a macro, just do something simple like

/cast [target=mouseover] Remove Lesser Curse

you can extend this to do amp/dampen magic as well, but this is where you start to get into the issue of taking up macro slots.

at least for BT for example, i had a set of macros for stuff like gorefiend, naj'entus, etc... and various other bosses, so the macro slots went down pretty quickly.

you can also mitigate it with certain bar mods which allow you to put macro text instead of spells in bars
If you use any Bar mods like Bartender4 for ex. you can bind spells in your spellbook to clicks to clicks or key presses.
all bars do that afaik? :) even the blizz ones!

i know that with the replacement for trinity, it's largely macro based so you can write a macro for a button without it taking a macro slot

i *believe* bt4 allows you to do this as well.