I Bought This Game On A Steam Sale And I Have No One To Play It With


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
This thread is dedicated to bringing together all those people who excitedly bought a great game on Steam at a great price only to discover that finding online matches (or at least online matches with other Christian gamers) was nearly impossible.

Put another way: This is for all the people who bought Zero Gear, Altitude, Hoard, FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage, Galcon Fusion, or Plain Sight. Or Magicka or Monday Night Combat after launch.

So what games did you pick up on the cheap (or receive as a gift) and want to play with other CGA community members? You can find my list in the preceding paragraph, with emphasis on Zero Gear (I <3 me some kart racing action) and Magicka (single player is decent, 4-player "coop" is a blast).

EDIT: I forgot to add the Serious Sam HD games to that list. M'bad.
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Its forgotten games are the ones not played.

Such as Black Ops, Bad Company 2 and Worms Reloaded.

Though, CS 1.6/Source and HL2: Deathmatch hasn't been played much with CGA'ers.

Killing Floor is forgotten as well.
Its forgotten games are the ones not played.

Such as Black Ops, Bad Company 2 and Worms Reloaded.
True, but those games (well, at least BLOPS and BC2) were once popular. The games in my post, with the exception of Magicka, were, to my knowledge, not ever very popular.

I've also considered picking up Worms Reloaded before, but I'll likely hold out until it drops to $5 first.

Though, CS 1.6/Source and HL2: Deathmatch hasn't been played much with CGA'ers.
CS: Source wasn't ever nearly as popular in ToJ as CS 1.6 was, but Christian Crew has 4 CS: Source servers. You can find more info on their servers here.

I wish more people played HL2DM as it's much fun to grab random objects with the gravity gun and hurl them at other players. :)

Killing Floor is forgotten as well.
I know at least a few members of ToJ play Killing Floor and KF seems to enjoy a surge in popularity every time a Steam sale rolls around.

I have KF and I'd be willing to fire it up if anyone sent me an invite and I'm available at the time. I've enjoyed what little I've played of the game.
CS: Source wasn't ever nearly as popular in ToJ as CS 1.6 was, but Christian Crew has 4 CS: Source servers. You can find more info on their servers here.

Was just gonna say that, Tek. I'm a member of <CC>< (Christian Crew), and I am an admin on their servers. They run a tight ship there, and the conduct is enforced to the same standards you would expect from the CGA.
I still want to play Zero Gear with people. :(
Was just gonna say that, Tek. I'm a member of <CC>< (Christian Crew), and I am an admin on their servers. They run a tight ship there, and the conduct is enforced to the same standards you would expect from the CGA.

not sure I agree with that, I was banned from CC servers for hacking and TOJ was usually a bit more laid back imo just toward general conversation.


sorry, only games i got were reccettear and mount&blade: warband :)
... and mount&blade: warband :)

Just a tip: Once I found out the big two handed Heavy Great Long Axe (or Heavy Great War Axe) has an alternate mode you switch to by pressing X I never used another melee weapon (I did use an alternate crossbow with it though). Heads will fly.

I respect what they tried to do with Mount and Blade but unfortunately the game is riddled with problems. Particularly the AI is so terrible in that game it mars everything you do. It's like they looked at all the bad Ai mistakes ever made and put them in one game. As an example I've taken a fortress with ~1000 men in it with my ~100 men and hack through most of them myself because the AI is retarded. I do not exaggerate :( .
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but see thats why i love that game, it has battles with more than 32 people lol, making it seemingly epic, regardless of the AI intelligence.
but see thats why i love that game, it has battles with more than 32 people lol, making it seemingly epic, regardless of the AI intelligence.

It certainly does have that epic large battle feeling and that is why I can at least respect the effort. I just wish it didn't feel like I was epically fighting a bunch of rocks. Don't get me wrong I liked it for a while but glaring AI issues got to me. Like when all the arena fighters on horses get stuck on the walls XD . Then there was the country I saved most of it's leaders from prison a zillion times, who had only one town and still, STILL had to attack me, me who ruled half the map and had not lost a single battle, not one of the other computer players. There is no way to please other countries enough to get them to leave you alone (well not in a reasonable amount of time at least). Once you take over one country it's blitzkrieg through them all because you know they will attack you -_- . Oh yeah then after taking over everything, and searching everywhere for leftover enemy units two of the countries still "exist". Nothing like a bug that makes technically taking the whole map impossible after all my playing XD.
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I just got it as well. Stuck on the last campaign level tho, haven't had the time to sit down and try and grind it out. But I really enjoy the game play and upgrades. Having grown up playing Total Annihilation, SC2 is basically the remake of it. It is a little difficult differentiating unit types since they are so small on the map, but it all works out. Big fan of the technolizard too ;)
With all this talk of Supreme Commander 2 multiplayer, I find myself rethinking my decision to skip it and see if it goes on sale again during the holidays.

Then again, I just dropped $44.98 on a Portal 2 2-pack today (happy belated birthday, Elihu), so I'm hesitant to spend any more for any reason.

I still want to play Hoard with someone. Anyone. C'mon.

Also: Zero Gear.
I picked up Magic the Gathering and Gmod during the sale and I think it'd be more fun in multiplayer, but I also just got Arkham City... so the next 120 hours of my game time are spoken for. HOWEVER, I'm wondering of anyone still plays Borderlands and I'm STILL looking for someone to play the multiplayer part of Portal 2 with.
Also, Tek, I checked out Zero Gear... how had I not heard of this?! If you're still looking to play that I'd be more than willing to grab it next time it goes on sale.
Also, Tek, I checked out Zero Gear... how had I not heard of this?! If you're still looking to play that I'd be more than willing to grab it next time it goes on sale.
Excellent! I'll try to remember to post in the Game sales thread when Zero Gear goes on sale next.
I'm surprised I forgot to bump this thread at the start of the Steam holiday sale event.

Also, I want to play Renegade Ops with people.