I hope Blizz is going to keep their word...

Straight from the front page of MMO-Champion.com

Epic items in Cataclysm
We're actually working on restoring the epic feeling to epic items in Cataclysm. Epic loot should be epic, and something to be very proud of. Our plan is to try and get the Heroic -> Blue Gear and Raid -> Purple Gear balance back. (Source)

I hope they keep their word on this. I want my epics to actually mean something... Since they're handed out so freely now.
Funny you mentioning this, I was just today thinking about how much epic has lost its meaning. My first epic piece was a BIG deal, took a long time to get. Now, with there being, what 6 or 7 levels of WotLK "epicness" within "epic" gear between iLevel 200, 213, 226, 232, 245, 264, etc ... it's either purple or "leveling gear."

Part of the challenge is that it comes with something "good" .. namely the frequent introduction of patches with new, harder content and a gradual layering of gear. But overall the game does seem to be swimming in epic gear when you consider it's obtainable through drops, tokens, badges, PvP, Arena, crafting, etc.

I was holding out hope that Bliz woudl add another layer of gear coloring ... gray/white/green/blue/purple/something better than "epic" but less than "legendary." But recalibrating purple would be work just as well, if they do it right.
I remember when GREENS meant something special. *sniff*. Those were the days.
I kinda think that the "epicness" of epic gear in wotlk is realistically in the heroic labeled gear, like the heroic sanctified gear and stuff like that.
but I like being in all PURPLE it's such a pretty colooooor!!!!! ....

I"m kidding. Yeah, I hope they bring the balance back.
Meh, who cares as long as my SKILL matters more than his stupid purple/orange/pink/whatever color he's wearing.
No way this will work. They said they want to make epics special again, then they also say they still want you to be able to run heroics to get one-tier-past gear. These two things can absolutely never coexist.
No way this will work. They said they want to make epics special again, then they also say they still want you to be able to run heroics to get one-tier-past gear. These two things can absolutely never coexist.

It can work for the first tier of gear... and you'd only be getting epics from badges after the first tier.
In order to keep the system they have for being able to farm most entry raid type gear via heroics AND make other epics feel "worth" it, they're going to have to create a separate class/color for hard to obtain pieces OR only allow emblem gear that is further below current tier than it already is.
In order to keep the system they have for being able to farm most entry raid type gear via heroics AND make other epics feel "worth" it, they're going to have to create a separate class/color for hard to obtain pieces OR only allow emblem gear that is further below current tier than it already is.


You either have to start loading the game down with Legendaries accept that epics are no longer "epic," or go back to the BC method of badge gear, when badges bought you entry level gear into the first tier and was insanely ugly to look at.

You can't have your epic cake and eat it, too
They have added another Item type... it's called Heroic Epic Gear... No one in Redeemed has ICC Heroic Gear, so that gear is rare to us.

For me Purples have never been that special, I raided in MC then BWL, AQ40, and Naxx before BC came out, even them we were upgrading Epics with epics. What you looked for was the look for the gear not the fact it was purple.

The issue only comes up when an expansion is coming and there are 4+ steps of high end raids for gear. This will never change.

Think of it, Kara gear was great but lost it's luster after awhile, same goes for Naxx. We shouldn't be focused on how special our epics are, but the fact that none of us has completed ICC or maybe even Ulduar. Titles and Achiev are the new Epic gear.
BAAAAAACK IN MY DAY! Epics meant something! We had to run everywhere from lvl 1 to 40 and that's the way we liked it!