ICTHUS! Is a get together still ok?


New Member
Looks like a few of us from Reno can be there for a get together on 4/24-4/25. Is that going to be ok? We'd love to meet all you crazy Midd Californians.
My nickname in college was swamp rat, if I'd ever seen a pic of a naked mole rat before that time I would have protested vehemently, and that one Icthus-it takes the cake!
My nickname in college was swamp rat, if I'd ever seen a pic of a naked mole rat before that time I would have protested vehemently, and that one Icthus-it takes the cake!

I'm afraid it takes more then just the cake. Except polite people don't talk about that sort a thing in polite circles like this.
I get to bore poor Abital with my company Thursday! Yippeee.... hope she likes 'Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.... I'm half....ooops, most of you probably don't know that old song! J/K Looking forward to a cool trip with Abital- maybe we can loose Deut at the wax museum.
I'm looking forward to the ride down with Schmeea. We can actually do some talking for a change with Duet not in the car with us. :)
Yes, I haven't been part of the forums before. You never know, you may have just created a monster.

Icthus I am looking forward to your BBQ and meeting all of you. I grew up in Pinole, CA, so it will be nice to be back on my old stomping grounds again!

Your new avatar, icthus, needs a censor bar about the size of the following picture:

I was born in Yuba City, does that count? Didn't live there too long being an Air Force brat and all. I'd like to live in Santa Cruz.... :p
I've heard the Exploratorium is a great place to visit for kids and "big" kids like Deut. Has anybody been there?
Let me know what kind of time you guys have and what you like to see.

I have been a tourist here for almost 2 years so I have several "tour" options.

Coastal, Mountain, SF, Bay Tour, Tree Tour, and so on.
I'm always a sucker for outdoorsey stuff, but don't know if I can hold up to long hikes. I love the redwoods, the surf and fresh air of the ocean's breeze! Seeing new things is always cool, seeing old things refreshes the old memory. I'm up to whatever you all think would be fun, I believe we head back on Saturday?