ICTHUS! Is a get together still ok?

Yep, Saturday. But we don't have a specific departure time, and since you all are coming down to S.F. to meet up with me on Thursday, we will have all day Friday until the BBQ to tool around.
Icthus, I am looking for a hotel to stay at in San Jose? Will that be the closest town to your house? Any recommendations?
The Treehouse in is cool if you can stand the little one.

Ewoks Inn is swell but the twins can be a handful and that is not even considering Lunden.
Princess Lunden? hehe, I thought it was the dog but I didnt wanna offend anyone if it wasnt:p
all this talk makes me want to leave florida and visit you guys but i cant due to the fact im going on a cruise in may and cant miss anymore days of school.