IDEA: Community Outreach Event


New Member
Ok so I literally just came up with this, so I don't have any concrete ideas, just a notion. So I have seen on many fan forums such as GWO and GWG that some guilds will come up with and host player events. And I thought that since we are such a large guild, it would be pretty easy for us to organize enough of our members to host such an event. But unlike other events we could use this as outreach. Now I feel like it would be a bad idea to preach the whole time or any of the time. However we could just show Christ's love through in game service.

For instance if we decided to do a smaller event, we could team run some people to Droks for free, or coordinate missions and help out players who have a tough time finding parties(Assassin's and Dervishes for instance). Maybe we could hand out some of those extra items that are just sitting uselessly in our inventory, or perhaps use them as prizes. Or perhaps we could host a public bible study, although I'm sure we would be visited by some immature players who just want to crash and ruin the event. But I think that although that could be bad, we, being the mature players we are, could simply ignore anyone who may choose to interrupt. Maybe we could hold some sort of cross over trivia event. For instance we could throw out some trivia about Guild Wars, some Biblical trivia questions, and of course some cross over, an example of which could be; Which fictional god in Guild Wars has a name that is mentioned in the Biblical text of Revelation, commonly translated as the destroyer? The answer to that question is Abaddon(See Rev. 9:11). I think a trivia event would be cool, since there are many biblical references in the game.

Maybe I'm I'm being over zealous, but I think some kind of SoE/SOE hosted event could be a nice thing we could do for our community.
i wouldnt mind doing that. i think thats exactly what we need to be doing.
doing outreach was suggested a while back, and im glad someone brought it up again. under services, runners are pretty popular too.
doing public bible trivia or just random trivia followed by prayer would be a cool way to get people listening and praying. we used to have outreach nights when we would do missions for noobs, that would be good to bring back to.
i would so be up for helping running through Factions and NF.... i love doing that... ive been doing it for a while already... i would sometimes spend a whole evening in the first mission in cantha.... and just help lvl 6'rs beat the mission with masters.
I have always wanted to learn the droks run, I would be willing to give money/items, time to do this. I think we should be doing more of this.
During the summer i would be willing to lead an event like helping with missions. Im too busy during the rest of the school year, but during the summer i should have a much more dependable schedual.
well i graduate on the 21 so after that i would be willing to help organize a monthly/weekly night. I would probably like to do something like helping with some of the harder missions or doing free runs for people. If we get several guildies we can chat and get to know the person we are helping and plant a few seeds.