I'm a Christ follower Parody

Christ Follower parody=pure genius. It's so true. I actually have that written on my Facebook under religious views it says I'm a Christ Follower cause personally I dislike the Christian label.
no. under the same pretenses on why I don't like the PC vs. Mac commercials.
for example, it implies that people who put christian bumper stickers on their car do so because they feel they have to "wear their heart on their sleeve"
honestly, people who make arguments like that most likely are feeling insecure with not being the "christian."
honestly, why care? I don't do stuff place the ichthus all over my car, but I don't take shots at people who do. I know plenty of people who are the "christian," and I have alot of respect for them.
there's a place for both types of christians, why slam on eachother? it's just being divisive.
WoW! Nicely Put ArchAngel. I do have to say there are a lot of So Called Christians that are fake but there are many with the Bumper stickers that are true Christ Followers. I do believe the church as a whole though is turning away the people we are supposed to be helping.
I do have alot of friends who have been invited to church but refuse to ever go back because of the way they act, whether it be judgmental attitudes or an overt zeal for conversion.
really sad.
Good discussion .....

I, just so you know, am more of an IBM guy and tend toward the "Christian" in the parody. But this is only a parody, not a "slam", meant to illicit discussion. We need to be able to laugh at our own idiosyncrasy.

It is said that we should hate the sin and love the sinner, but it seems that we water down our church memberships by ignoring serious issues. Sometimes when we address these issues (premarital sex, witchcraft, homosexuality, etc) we are called judgmental (obviously sometimes we do a poor job at addressing them) because the people are convicted. How do we strike the balance .....

Check out some of the shocking statistics from the Barana Group survey
Just thought i would bump this back, personally i am proud to say that i am Christian. The world will never like it and will always try to ridicule Christians but i am proud to be one. (lol the Name Christian was first used to mock followers of Christ :p )
From the Barna study:

Three out of every four teenagers have engaged in at least one type of psychic or witchcraft-related activity. Among the most common of those endeavors are using a Ouija board, reading books about witchcraft or Wicca, playing games involving sorcery or witchcraft, having a "professional" do a palm reading or having their fortune told. Conversely, during the past year fewer than three out of every ten churched teenagers had received any teaching from their church about elements of the supernatural.

Y HALO THAR GILD WARZ. Guess what? All of you teens in this guild are apparently engaging in "at least one type of psychic or witchcraft-related activity". You HEATHENS!!!

Ironically, I'd rather have my boy become a teen like C$, Ducky, or many of the other teens in our guild than like some of the stained glass masquerade crowd.

Anyhow, the lesson here is, judge not lest ye be judged, and remember to read between the lines. Thank you.
Hey i play GW.... im a teen... geepers... i got a necro too... its not like im going to try and slaughter someone to raise up a minion.... *rolls eyes* ahh well there is two sides to a ditch... both are bad..... i like driving on the road personally
lol, someone is writing about Games without ever playing them :p (or else never met people from a guild like this totally awesome one!)
you know what i think, as long as kids dont accualy believe the sorcery and whichcraft and what not and as long as they dont try and do it, its OK. besides who doesnt want to set a Charr on fire while being 20 feet away.
[toj.cc]WildBillKickoff;208543 said:
From the Barna study:

Y HALO THAR GILD WARZ. Guess what? All of you teens in this guild are apparently engaging in "at least one type of psychic or witchcraft-related activity". You HEATHENS!!!

Ironically, I'd rather have my boy become a teen like C$, Ducky, or many of the other teens in our guild than like some of the stained glass masquerade crowd.

Anyhow, the lesson here is, judge not lest ye be judged, and remember to read between the lines. Thank you.

Yes, there is a judgment on those who play video games involving sorcery or witchcraft. But does play these games make us numb to the existence and practice of such? Also lets not overlook the really tragic statistic ...

"Three out of every four teenagers have engaged in at least ....Conversely, during the past year fewer than three out of every ten churched teenagers had received any teaching from their church about elements of the supernatural."

I don't know about you or your church, but I teach Bible studies and it's always a challenge to get people to commit and engage. Are we engaging and educating ourselves/others, through the washing of the word, on these types of subjects (sorcery, witchcraft, premarital sex, homosexuality, drug use, etc)

Good discussion ....!
[toj.cc]WildBillKickoff;208543 said:
From the Barna study:Y HALO THAR GILD WARZ. Guess what? All of you teens in this guild are apparently engaging in "at least one type of psychic or witchcraft-related activity". You HEATHENS!!!
Warning: I wear black (two-thirds of my wardrobe?). I also play video games, and, as it was described on one website, communicate with "aberrants" on the internet. In high school, I was an outsider, and a sorta-Goth.

Be glad you don't live in Atlanta. Apparently I'm one step away from becoming a vicious mass murderer, and you wouldn't want to get caught in the crossfire, right?

Thanks, mass media.
Warning: I wear black (two-thirds of my wardrobe?). I also play video games, and, as it was described on one website, communicate with "aberrants" on the internet. In high school, I was an outsider, and a sorta-Goth.

Be glad you don't live in Atlanta. Apparently I'm one step away from becoming a vicious mass murderer, and you wouldn't want to get caught in the crossfire, right?

Thanks, mass media.
great now im a minion for a half-goth-videogame-mass-murderer...

i need a cookie...