I'm back (part 2)


New Member
After many months away I'm back! My life circumstances have gotten back in order enough for us to be able to get me a new computer.

Major updates:

My wife has still never been able to find a church that is the right fit for her to pastor in, but she's taken a job working in our denomination's national office which happens to be in town for us. She is very happy there, even if she's not using her degree.

Our child is now 16 months old, which is sheer madness. Not really sure how that one happened, but she's running all over the house and is starting to talk up a storm.

My career has taken a twist, I'm now working in IT training for a local hospital network. I love it, never been so happy at a job. It's technically temporary, but I've recently been retained for another year....which means:

My wife and I are getting a house! We put in an offer two days ago and it was accepted within 2 hours. We'll be closing in about a month.

Whew....what a year.

I'm currently updating the game to full install right now, maybe later this week I can get back in and spend some time getting re-aqcuainted. Glad to be back! Hope there's still people around.

Congratulations on all of that up there! That's a whole lot of amazing stuff going on! Looking forward to seeing you in game.

(BTW, what's your name in game?)
I may be one of the few ya still see in the original. Fire Gpa has been in there too. For me usually in the day during weekday.