I'm encouraged.


New Member
Now many of you know my stance on certain aspects of the bible blah blah blah, but regardless of how I may seem to portray my opinion of the bible you all should know that I still hold it in extremely high regard and it keeps me in check. Were it not for the bible I would probably be emotionally dead.

For whatever reason I'm not sure why but lately I've been feeling kinda cruddy. Depressed if you will. Anyhow one of the things that was laying on my heart recently has been my economic status in life relative to others in the world. I honestly felt bad and guilty for being as well off as I am. I just couldn't reconcile with myself that I had so much and most others in the world had so little.

I generally don't read the bible all that often but lately I have been somehow pushed back toward it. As for the recent reason, I have found that the bible has been extremely helpful in quieting my heart. The biggest help has been a verse that I had read many times before yet somehow missed it's meaning. That Verse is Luke 12:22-34. Many of you are probably familiar with it. It has helped me realize that I should quit resenting what I have simply because others don't have it. Eh, it's kinda hard to put into words but you get the idea.

Anyway I just wanted to share with you all how the holy spirit is moving within me cause I think its pretty sweet that I'm finally starting to reconnect to the lord in a new way. :)