I'm Pregnant!

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Since you're okay about us suggesting names, I'll suggest a one that I like. Timothy. It means something like "The Glory of God" or something like that. Not exactly sure what.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jango @ Mar. 20 2004,7:57)]Since you're okay about us suggesting names, I'll suggest a one that I like. Timothy. It means something like "The Glory of God" or something like that. Not exactly sure what.
Timothy is my name

it means honor God or Revering God, something along those lines

Congrats CCGR!
Christopher, Bruce, Tyler, Mark, Elijah (I love Eli, hopefully will get to name my son that!), Timothy

Go Bible names, woo.

Christopher is definately my favorite out of the ones I listed, though.
Congradulations! I'm glad it's not a loss this time!

so lets see.. im 16 right now.. and if CCGR junior becomes at least 14.. then.. *counts his fingers* ack! i'll be 30 :S. By the time when im 30 yrs old CCGR junior will be playing and participating in CGA. (wonder how old Tek will be in

Speakin 'o names.. "Albert" is really really really partial for me :/
How great it is to see all the commotion in celebration of this new life! Haha. Great congrats to you guys, and may the prayers of many be actively surrounding you and your baby. The Lord is so good.
Hmm, I've always enjoyed bibical names, I think because it is easy to research what they mean. And when you know the words that form them, let's say like a prior example the greek name Timothy (Timotheos, time'- honoring, valueing, & theos- the Lord), you can also see where those words are used and what action that word gives use to. Time' (tee-may) is many times translated honour, precious, and price. This all sounds weird and dumb, but it is a familiar thing actually. Sort of like when we look at how God deals with bibical characters as a point of reference to our own lives. His word and these stories and characters become something very significant to us, like food we draw upon. So if I would name my son Timothy, I would also read how honour and value works in the word. The idea of the 'son' in the bible is powerful to me, for the 'ben' part of my name, Benjamin, alone is the hebrew word for 'son.' These things may seem foolish, but the Lord has comforted me much at times, seeing these things...
Names are a wonderful thing, I hope you guys have a wonderful time naming your growing child.
Grace and Payce. Philemon 25
Girl names eh... thats a tough one LOL i am writing this when i just woke up

Jordyn is good

those unusually ones like
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Flash @ Mar. 21 2004,8:47)]By the time when im 30 yrs old CCGR junior will be playing and participating in CGA. (wonder how old Tek will be in
I'll be 37 by then. ^_^;; Heh.
Christopher is a Bible name? I know it's a name of a Catholic saint, but don't remember it being in the Bible. Although Nathan is a great Bible name. I got my pastor on not knowing who Nathan was

as for female names: I want to name a daughter -- Mara

my wife doesn't like it though, because it means bitter...
Mara is pretty but yeah the child will stumble upon the name meaning and wonder why you named her that. hehe
ummm the only girl names that i can think of are from the final fantasys: tifa, aeris, rinoa, edea, selphie, (cant remember ff9 names >_<) yuna, rikku.
Ohh, admit it Kidan. You chose Mara because you are a big Star Wars fan!

When my wife was pregnant with our 2nd child, I had mentioned Padme if it was a girl. It didn't go over very well. Ohhh, and I suppose I was probably joking too.

Anyway, I tend to stay out of baby naming things.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]my wife doesn't like it though, because it means bitter...
Isn't that meaning for "Marah"? That's how it's spelled in the Bible.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Ohh, admit it Kidan. You chose Mara because you are a big Star Wars fan!
That's what I thought at first too, lol.

Hmm, I dunno. I always thought "Kate" was a nice name, dunno why.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7 @ Mar. 22 2004,1:18)]I'll be 37 by then. ^_^;; Heh.
Oooh so that adds up too.. *counting fingers again* Tek is 23!

I like the boy name Isaiah
(I know this is Tek's second name that we know as, but i like the name it self)

as for girl, im racking my brain but nothing would come out, and i wouldn't my brain exploding again
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