Imp Sap in PvP

As we know, sap got the nerf bat, but it's really not as bad as it's made out to be. First a few facts:

-Imp Sap was NOT changed to a T2 2pt talent for 100% chance.
-Sap has diminishing returns.
-Sap will last a maximum of 12 seconds.
-Targets will become immune to Sap on the 4th attempt.
-Sap doesn't seem to be breaking early, as was stated by the patch.

With all that said, imp sap is still highly effective in PvP. It gives you more then enough time needed to sap someone, cap a flag, re-stealth and then sap them again to keep them from defending the flag. I've been able to do this several times in AB and AV. If there were multiple people and I was trying to wait for the flag to finish being claimed, I could sap one, blind the other, re stealth and keep sapping the one. When he became immune, I would start sapping the one who had been blinded and just kite (or prep/blind) the one who had been sapped first.

In closing, even with the nerf, Imp Sap is still a highly valued tool in solo flag capping.
Didn't Blizzard mention something about "preparation" no longer resetting the cooldown on "blind" and a couple other abilities?
Didn't Blizzard mention something about "preparation" no longer resetting the cooldown on "blind" and a couple other abilities?

That's in the "Imp SnD/BS" switch patch. Currently, Prep still resets all CDs.