interesting idea came to me


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i was reading through left behind and it uses "REV 9:17 The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur." ever auctually try and picture that?? a horse with rider 10 feet off the ground and then another 10 feet tall whith the discribtion above. then thought bout it and these things and they were demons. now think back to rev 1:12-6 "REV 1:12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, [13] and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man,"* dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. [14] His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. [15] His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. [16] In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance." doesnt that just blow ur mind how much ur imagination can work? i dont know exactly y i posted this but i felt lead to.
what's scary are the things that paralyze people for 6 months and they cannot die even though they want to
well to me these dudes sound scaryer to me. but when compared to the majesty of Jesus with the 7 lampstands and stuff just amazed me, it was almost as if it was really there, as was the horsemen. i have a pretty good imagination when it comes to mythical type stuff.
i stay out of the book of Rev, because its some really deep and crypt stuff, so insteadof reading it and losing my self, and the real context of the world i am waiting for fulness of maturity, and when the time is right i shall read Rev again.
interesting, idea to wait for maturity. and in a sense i would agree with u. however as i read rev and left behinds i see how all this stuff can and will auctually happen.
I find it interesting to think that these creatures described in Revelations might be some kinda machine. If you look at some of the equipment Boeing is developing for the US Air Force, they are starting to make drones that hunt in packs and are unmanned. So no human lives(atleast on our side
), are in danger. And a UGV"Unmanned Ground Vehicle" called the Guardian is being developed that is basicly a 4 wheeler with armor and a 50 cal mounted on top. Cost less than a real human to train, and you never have to endanger american lives.

These could be given "humain" bullets so that they are less lethal, and oculd render the enemy unable to move(threw chemicals and such), and a single person would be able to have complete control over these units. Now the senario i played out for you in more like 20-30 years from now, right now they are human opporated, not 100% automated. But it is an interesting thought
that is an interesting thought. though unless they spray paint them red, dark blue and what not.
except Left behind is a fiction based book off of rev, and i have read through a few of them and did not like them much at all, because i felt that they where trying to interrpurt the scriptures, to make their views and everything seem correct, that the end times are truely upon us and everything, not something i aggree with.
considering its just one of many propable opinions, its just one thats published. it interpretates it pretty good i think, since i try and follow most of it with my own Bible, and its just book, not a full docterine.
After reading about what's going to happen in the end times...I think I'll appreciate heaven a LOT more. Think it's bad now? It's going to get a whole ton worse... yikes:p I take comfort in the fact that I'm going to end up on the winning side
dont we all?? but ever get the feeling ur gonna sin the right after u did the rapture would happen and ud miss it?
I wonder if one day I'll wake up and the birds will be singing and the traffic will be much quieter and we'll slowly realise that all the Christian's are gone.

I hope you'll be happy wherever you go - and I hope you don't mind me taking some of your stuff! ;)

well hopefully i wont be on earth to relize that. though u are free to take my stuff especially my Bible programs
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I hope you don't mind me taking some of your stuff! ;)

Not something I worry about. Not something I ever thought about either.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I wonder if one day I'll wake up and the birds will be singing and the traffic will be much quieter and we'll slowly realise that all the Christian's are gone.

I wonder what your thoughts would be on that day.
I don't know, to be honest - since my theological issues with Yahweh have little to do with him not existing and more to do with what I'll call issues of jurisdiction and since all the people who'll be gone will be the ones who wanted to go anyway, I'd probably miss some of you but be glad to have one contentious faction out of the way.

What I'm worried about are all the whack-jobs who'd be left behind, like Televangelists, who think they're Christians but stand for nothing more than their own petty interests. I figure those people would go through a dangerous process whereby some of them would seek to rationalise them being left behind, and I think that we might see the term "Soldier of Christ" take on a new meaning. This would definitely lead to a period of destablisation.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]dont we all?? but ever get the feeling ur gonna sin the right after u did the rapture would happen and ud miss it?

well, back in the days when I was a Baptist...I was taught that you will be taken up regardless, and Jehovah will judge you for whatever unforgiven sin you have.

Which kind of seems pointless in retrospect.  I mean, you are still going to heaven.  Heh.  opening a can of worms here, I know...but I was also taught that you are given various crowns to wear, according to what you did.  One of those things that stuck with me...the preacher asking us how we would feel seeing somebody with 5 or 6 crowns when you just had one.  
Wait a we will be jealous in heaven?  (No, I don't think any of you think like that, but some people do.)
More thoughts...

An interesting idea I heard as well was that the rapture is going to be blamed on aliens. that will be the impetus to bring the world together under a single, unified government. Kind of a "we must band together to fight the alien invaders" thing.

Then of course there was Falwell's theory that the Anti-Christ is around...and he's a Jew. I must say...the Jews sure bashed him on that one. Yet, his explaination was, I thought, a reasonable Jesus was a Jew...the Anti-Christ would also have to be a Jew. Made sense to me, anyway.

So is everybody (of the Christians...natch) here a pre-trib believer (that is...the rapture will take place just before the beginning of the tribulation), or are there some "mid tribbers" here? Post tribbers?
regarding the ant-christ he doens't have to be jewish but the jews will stand behind him. So it's a good possibility that he wil be. After all he will have to gain their favor and convince them that he is their messiah they have been waiting for. Boy will they be wrong!
i can hardly wait to watch from heaven of the disacration of the temple with the anti-christ in the brand spankin new temple, he gonna get screwd on that one.