

New Member
Hi all,

Just joined the guild and Manyik says to introduce myself, so here goes...

I am fairly new to Guild Wars, I have Prophecies and have been playing it for about a month now and am enjoying every minute of it! I'm currently playing a level 10 R/Mo named Axeon Venator, just recently got to Piken Square. I was looking for a good Christian guild to join, and believe I have found just what I'm looking for! Yes, I really wanted the nice shiny cape :), but I'm also interested in some of the discussions going on here in the forums and in attending the Bible studies and getting involved in quests and battles and whatever else it is that guilds do. So, anyway, glad to be a part of the team!

I notice that there is an upcoming in-game event, the Canthan New Year's festival. I'm dying to check out one of the festivals, and I see that the only place they'll be celebrating that I can get to with Prophecies is Lion's Arch. Don't know if it's even possible for me to make it there in a week, but I'm sure gonna try. Any more experienced players know if that's anywhere near where I am (Piken's Square)?

God bless you all, and see you in game...

Welcome welcome.
Glad to have ya! wanna make it there???
You came to the right place. Lot's of people are very helpful here. If I'm on, just PM and I'll help ya get there.
Welcome! Nice to meet you.
We have lots of helpful people in the guild just ask politely in alliance channel and most likely you will get some help.

This thread will probably get hijacked in about 5 posts, like most of the others
Piken square, eh? I'll practise running to LA from there over and over and see if I can get you to LA within that time.
Hey welcome abord!! glad to have you, it is very possible to get you from Pikens to LA in under an hour.. ok maybe a tad more but yes. just give a message on Alliance chat when im on, dont be shy.

have fun!

.. ok i think the next post will offically highjack this thread, dont be afraid to post on-topic either soulrvr, tho we barly do that ;)
Who approaches the Bridge of Death
Must answer me
These questions three!
Ere the other side he see:

WHAT is your name?
WHAT is your quest?
WHAT is your favorite color?

Finally, You MUST bring us.......

Welcome to the Guild! If you need any help let me know I been enjoying getting back in Prophesies. I am an expert Desert Runner so when you get there I can run you to every city when you get there you will understand why you need a runner :).
I am an expert Desert Runner so when you get there I can run you to every city when you get there you will understand why you need a runner :).

Whatever dude, I don't need no stinkin' runner (or badges ;) ). I'm gonna fight my way all the way through the desert single-handedly!!! It's that or I'm quittin', so ANet better get to making me a lvl 80...


Wow, thanks for all of the responses and offers for help! I'll see how far I can get myself, but if I can't make it I'll be looking for you guys! :)
lol, i read this post and completely forgot to post myself. Ok so here it goes .. (*coughs..clears throat*) Welcome to Our Guild! (*sighs in relief* that wasn't so hard after all :) )
welcome to the guild! Yes, you can make it to Lion's Arch in a week. Just talk to our nice guildees who do running.

I, however, am primarily a mesmer or another caster. No help there with running!

I'm gonna fight my way all the way through the desert single-handedly!!!
Have you seen someone about these delusions? I'm a bit concerned...
I can do from beacons to LA or at least from LA to beacons when I run factions or NF peeps (can't be that different in reverse) I haven't tried from Yaks yet
Welcome to the guild. In my opion doing the missions is the fastest way to get to LA. Let us know if you would like an hand with any of them. I think the first time I broke down and asked the guild for help was Frost Gate mission.

Kel Queen of all Europe