
Ezekiel 22:30

New Member
I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself to everyone. I was approved for membership into the ToJ on 8/14/2008 under the name Nehemiah. I am an older gamer with a family, and a hectic work schedule at times (Police Detective).

I am in WAR Beta at the moment and have been for the last month or so. I have toons on Barak Varr & Warpstone at this time. Toons on BV are named Nehemiah & Josiah. (Bright Wizard & Witch Hunter).

I have played both WoW & DAoC, plus other games online. I was introduced to the ToJ by a friend and co-worker that is also with the ToJ under the name Nijole. (Plays with Narrow Path Guild in WoW.) I left the same guild Nijole did. Whereas he found and joined Narrow Path, I just cancelled my account and stopped playing.

I have already got the vent server set up with the address and hope to introduce myself in person later tonight. Thank you to the founders for a Christian Guild! I was blessed to find one and didn't know one existed until Nijole told me.

I will post my testimony soon, so that you can get to know me better. God Bless and hope to play with all of you soon.

We look forward to hearing more.

And we are all pretty old.....

I am almost 40 and generally considered the old man by these young ones in their 20's.
Sorry I didn't get the Vent up and running earlier when I logged. Used Vent for a couple of years and started messing around with the options today, thinking I would increase performance. Instead, I messed it up and had to figure out what I had done again.:D Guess the addage applied to me last night "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Howdy! I think you were in the group last night. Hope you get Vent up and running.

BTW, I'm another old dude.
Old people everywhere...

<Looks around and gets a little paranoid...>

Did icthus invite you lastnight?

If so, make sure you are not listed as a Prisoner, but instead as Specialist (normal member).

The prisoner rank is where all the miscreants go.

Oh yeah...

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Yea for the old folks! I'm not as old as Icthus or Goblit, but as we were all born in the same year, I really can't claim that much youth on them. :)

Welcome to Redeemed - glad to have you. It was good to chat with you this morning, and I look forward to getting to know you better.
Not sure that Grumpy Old Men suits me and Mouse anyeays......unless we got a special handbag with a brick in it for joining?
I just turned 25 on July 6th.. maybe I am the youngest? hehehe

Of course, I woudl oficially be joining the guild till my pre-order key gets to me :)

yay for stuff.. and... things... and.... yeah!