"It was bound to happen" or "Playstation 3 price drop"


New Member
Sony announced at Gamescom today as of tomorrow the PS3 will be $299, and the PS3 slim will be in stores by September 1st across all regions.

They are TERRIBLE at keeping leaks from the press.

120GB hard drive, but no backwards compatibilty.
After months of rumors and leaks, Sony has officially announced a revised, slimmer model of the PlayStation 3 that will arrive at retailers worldwide during the first week of September.

The new model, said to be one-third smaller, will sell at $299 USD and 299 euros. The included internal hard disc drive will be 120GB in capacity, and the system is billed as having the same functionality as the hardware already at stores--meaning you shouldn't expect backwards compatibility with PS2 games.
Source: PS3 Price Officially Dropped with $299 Slim

The PS3 is looking more and more appealing all the time. It looks like I'm just one full-time job and one Atlus announcement away from being convinced to buy a PS3.
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Anyone else think the Slim looks like a blatant Chinese clone? >_>

And I'm fine with my 399$ purchase. If only I didn't spend money on my 360... xD
Anyone else think the Slim looks like a blatant Chinese clone? >_>

And I'm fine with my 399$ purchase. If only I didn't spend money on my 360... xD

Meh, it's about as odd-looking to me as the PS2 slim was when I first got it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% pleased with my 2nd gen 80gb, I just wish they would put out a white one, so it would match my 360 and Wii.
Meh, it's about as odd-looking to me as the PS2 slim was when I first got it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% pleased with my 2nd gen 80gb, I just wish they would put out a white one, so it would match my 360 and Wii.

Everything on my desk (with exception of my router and gigabit switch) are black. I hate white as it tends to change over time and after awhile you end up with 13 different shades of dust speckled bleh. Black FTW.

I just wish my PS3 wasn't so glossy, as I don't like fingerprints showing :\
I think the "slim" version looks much much much better than the old PS3 looks. The old PS3 always looked like a poorly designed modern architectural building...

The price may be cheaper, but I'd still rather spend money on an Xbox 360...
Yeah I agree with Odale, is there any current reason that I would want a ps3 over a 360 besides the bluray player?
Streaming Netflix to your Xbox 360 over the internet means you don't need a Bluray player (and no need to pay extra for te Bluray player).

Also, VLC on computer to Xbox helps too...
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Streaming Netflix to your Xbox 360 over the internet means you don't need a Bluray player (and no need to pay extra for te Bluray player).

Netflix's quality is closer to that of hulu/youtube if anything. It doesn't really come close to dvd let alone blueray.

Plus having a console that doesn't break every few months is nice :p
Uncharted, Warhawk, Folklore, Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, all of the PixelJunk games, Fat Princess..those are just the ones I like.

And if you want to look 3 months into the future, Uncharted 2.

Library wise, PS3 is smaller, but that just means (to me) there is like um, fluff. :cough: Ninja Blade :cough:

PS3 isn't getting Shadow Complex though, so there's always that.

Edit: My 360 hasn't broken yet :p
I disagree. I have seen many movies though netflix on a friends XBox/tv and the quality was certainly not that of Youtube or Hulu.

3 year warranties fixes the breaking thing... :)
Yeah I agree with Odale, is there any current reason that I would want a ps3 over a 360 besides the bluray player?

Massive HDD, free online play (it's a pain, it's why I stopped paying for Gold), better UI layout (IMO), 90% the same library (enjoyed the PS3 exclusives much more. Gears 2, Halo 3, etc... not that fun. Uncharted, Infamous, MGS4, all top notch stuff.), media (which I don't use, but still :p), it's black and shiny. :p AND IT DOESN'T BREAK DOWN LIKE THE THREE RED RINGS PROBLEMS I GOT THE FIRST WEEK I PLAYED MY 360. >=| ! I know if I play my PS3 for a few hours, I don't have to put a fan near it or worry about my games getting scratched. :/

Haven't touched my 360 since I got my PS3, and that was early June. o.o
worry about my games getting scratched. :/

Haven't touched my 360 since I got my PS3, and that was early June. o.o

That is the other thing, you can safely buy used games for the PS3 without worrying it will looks like godzilla went to town with a razor blade. I have yet to see a scratch on one of my disks, let alone had it stop working.
In the not so distant past I remember the 360 having more higher ranked games (I haven't been keeping up though).

I go to my friend's house quite a bit and play his Xbox with him a lot. Never had an issue, never had to set a fan next to it and never scratched any discs.

A problem that's steered me away from the PS3 is the price (with the price drop it's still more expensive than a 360) and the fact that all of my friends have a 360 and only one of them has a PS3. Also, games for the 360 tend to be cheaper because, if I recall correctly, the 360 is easier to program games for (it doesn't have an insane amount of cores).

Sure, you have to pay for Xbox Live, but it boils down to $4.17 a month. That's less than a McDonald's value meal... From what I have seen and repeatedly experienced, Xbox Live is worth it.

The 3 year warranty is nice too... :)

I personally lean to the Xbox (though I'd love to see Nintendo make a better system and blow everyone out of the water... how it used to be :D) more so than I do to the PS3. To each their own. :)
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Yeah I agree with Odale, is there any current reason that I would want a ps3 over a 360 besides the bluray player?

Honestly I have no reason to have a 360...and the PS3 has many games I have been wanting to play...the 360 does not...
Retail games are the same price, $60, unless they're B-Level, or tend to be not that great at selling (or Wii or PC). Used may be lower on 360 due to the sheer volume, but that doesn't make the market flooded with low-priced AAA titles.

Feature wise they're getting close to the same, price wise (for the higher-end unit) things are getting closer. You just have to remember, it looks like the Pro 360 is going under, and the Elite is replacing it as the only higher-end model. If you factor in harddrives and such, the PS3 is cheaper since it's down to one model.

Until the Elite gets dropped to $299 as speculated.

Saying that the Xbox 360 has a larger library of games without mentioning the hardware failure rate is like saying you'd rather spend a day with a person with homicidal tendencies because they tell better stories. "Sure," you say, "he may stab me (or my $60 game discs) in the face, but I have health insurance! I'll be out of the hospital in 4-6 weeks and the insurance company covers the cost." But who in their right mind wants to get stabbed in the face? Most people just happily assume their homicidal story-telling friend has taken their medication today. I make no such assumptions.

I want to like the 360. I do. But I still haven't read an independently verified report that the hardware failure has significantly decreased, with numbers and multiple sources to prove the claim. A few Xbox 360 owners have told me, "The hardware failure rate has gone down," but please excuse me if that isn't sufficient reason to drop hundreds of dollars on a console (which is just the initial investment in a gaming platform; games, controllers, and peripherals build on that investment).

I don't want to like the PS3. I don't. Sony's hubris led to a terrible console launch and rightfully so. Just because the PS2 sold tens of millions of units worldwide doesn't mean Sony could assume gamers would remain loyal to the company into the next generation. It didn't work for Nintendo with the N64 (see: Playstation 1) and it didn't work for Sony. Yet with a significant price drop and a redesign that doesn't look like a George Foreman grill, it seems Sony has digested their humble pie and is getting back to work. And some of the PS3 exclusives (especially Little Big Plant) look like a whole lot of fun.

This is Microsoft and Sony we're talking about here. Both companies have earned their reputations for evil. I don't really want to defend either of them. But I have to admit that the PS3 is looking more and more appealing as time goes by.

Still, I understand why the Xbox 360 appeals to people. I was even tempted to buy one after the last price drop. If an independent source did verify that Microsoft resolved the issues responsible for the hardware failure rate and if I had the disposable income, I'd be hard-pressed to find a reason not to buy one. I have no interest in most Xbox 360 exclusives, but Xbox Live does look rather spiffy.

(though I'd love to see Nintendo make a better system and blow everyone out of the water... how it used to be :D)
According to the sales reports, Nintendo did exactly that--both with the Wii and the DS.

I have a backlog of games to play on the Wii rather than too few. True, the Wii falls short in the online department, but I have a computer for playing online games.

Oh, and Wii Sports Resort + MotionPlus is awesome. I'm hoping third-party developers actually get with the program, realize that the games industry has changed and they can't keep churning out the same mess with a fresh coat of paint and expect to survive long-term (unless they're EA, of course), and start creating innovative titles that make use of MotionPlus controls. I know I'll probably be disappointed, but the raw materials are there to make a great game.