January 24 Alliance Event

Wizard Bihuq

New Member
As Diana might not be around this coming Saturday and I'm still learning how to do some of the elite areas, I propose that until someone else has a better idea, we continue with the vanquishing of the Northen Shiverpeaks. If we follow the same pattern as the first vanquishing (alphabetically by the last letter of the name of the exploriable region), the areas in order are [Traveler's ValE,] Anvil RocK, Deldrimor BowL, and Iron Horse MineS. So next on the list would be Anvil Rock. We will be leaving from the Ice Tooth Caves so get your runs from Mia (Legendary Epic Fail) or myself (Wizard Bihuq) if you don't have it yet. Again, please RSVP by posting at this forum or at the corresponding HsC forum. Again, meeting at the HsC guild hall at 7:45 EST and leaving at 8 pm worked well this week (though i was a tad late due to a last minute run ^_^" ) and unless multiple people have major issues with it, I'm planning to keep it at this time.
Hmm, anvil rock doesn't sound too terribly difficult so I may show up on my Survivor Ele. I think i can get him there by next week.

come on guys! lets kill every bad guy in Anvil Rock IN HARD MODE!!
Success! We had enough people showing up that three teams were made, w00t! Despite some set-backs for each team such as some build mismatches (one team's fire ele forgot to switch out his water headgear [hehe, guilty ], another team had an MM hero that didn't have an MM build, and the final team had three "assassins" and no real tank [okay, one was a derv with a dagger build who had slightly more defense]) and centaurs expressing to the best of their ability their hatred toward two-legs (each team wiped at least once at each of the centaur boss groups ), in the end each team persevered and successfully vanquished Anvil Rock (the last two patrols of minotaurs were really annoying though). Despite the annoyance generated by many parts of the vanquish, I'm glad to hear that people had fun. Thank you and congratulations to everyone who helped out and attended.
Sounds great - wish I could have made it. It was Sunday before I could get on - but I did bag a Kraken Eye - so I was happy.