Jewish Views of Jesus


New Member
Hey guys. Today I decided to look at some secular accounts of Jesus, and so I started with a google search for "Jesus in Sanhedrin 43a". This site popped up, and I found it to be very interesting reading.

It is a pretty well thought out argument against Jesus' deity/Messianic nature, though has some serious flaws and, of course, outrageous bias. It's also disturbing to see them label Jesus as on of the horns in Daniel. But like I said, there are flaws - for example, the handfull of prophecies Jesus may fulfill from Deuteronomy as a false prophet are incredibly outnumbered by the hundreds of Messianic prophecies he fulfills.

Anyways, I just thought it was an interesting read, and could be useful to have read in the event that you find yourself witnessing to a Jewish freind. Enjoy!
Wow.... Really really hilarious. I LOVE the bias!! Makes them look like total idiots even to pro-Jewish people.

Judaism = religion now, from what I can tell from the site. follow the 613 rules, blah blah.... *sigh*

Whatever. At least I got a kick out of reading it.
I like his points, though using Jewish teachers as backups against Christ is kinda redudant, since you need read only the words of Christ's followers to see that they hated Jesus...why not lie to him? A brick, sexually immoral, cutting of flesh, black magic, Egyptian witchcraft? Who knows?
The Jews are an interesting folk and, unfortunately, for some reason or another, have not been entirely revealed the Word of God...perhaps this is their stubborn nature (something that is repeated throughout the Scriptures "dozens of times"?)