New Member
Come and listen, all who honor God, and I will tell you what he has done for me.
-Psalm 66:16 (TEV)
-Psalm 66:16 (TEV)
Prayer:WHEN the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into Canaan, they set up twelve stones. They would tell their descendants, who would ask the meaning of the stones, how God had dried up the river and let them cross on dry land. Generation after generation would hear about the mercies of the Lord.
We have probably not experienced a miracle as great, but we have all been the recipients of God's goodness. Telling others about God's goodness to us is a privilege. When I was a child, at the Wednesday night service, the pastor invited people to stand and tell what God had done for them. Some had great stories to tell. But the simple stories of God's concern in little, everyday matters especially touched my heart. These testimonies were about events that had happened that week or even that day. A mother said that when she prayed, God quieted her fussy, teething baby. A schoolgirl told of God's helping her with an exam. These personal experiences made me hunger for relationship with a loving God.
Wilma Musser (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Dear God, help us to see your hand at work in our lives and to proclaim your goodness to all we meet. Amen.