JUT Goty - if anyone is playing


If anyone still is playing UT GOTY, I have a server running on DomTown Called DomTown. Mapvote for DOM/CTF/TDM. I renamed the server form -=J*W=-Jesus_Warriors to DomTown.

I had a annocement for my server for a year agoe, another ISP then, but then I was to newbie to get it to kick gameplay.


We all have a Moder Teresa in os, just let it out :)
Great CS.

ps. I have also set up a mass fragging server called DomTown´s UziTown on unreal:// - not for persones with bad healt :)

There is a 3-4 min dl, for the uzi gun - just rember, it is only a game.

Yes u can frag til u drop....direct link, if u have ut in c:/ut
<a href="unreal://" target="_blank">DomTown´s UziTown</a>

I have a habbit to end at this server after a hard long day fragging.
Hey I've had a ball with the Uzi. It's hard to keep the gun down with the recoil so I've been doing short bursts at times. My ping is way up due to it being in Canada and me on dial up. Still yet it does good. I don't hang much at all. wooot. CS