Karazhan Raiding Teams


Active Member
If you are interested in Karazhan please see the post in Raiding Discussion.

Thank you for your attention....

This space is now provided for SPAM
has anyone noticed that our spam has gone down the last few days! ive gotten bored and no one will post! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


yours truly,
minister of propaganda
And you sat there and WATCHED?! Little did you know the back story to that...

I was helping my fiancee in STV (she's almost 40 now!! - yay for not having to wait for her to walk all the time) and that guy and a few of his pals start ganking at the safari place. Anywhoooo...another 70 (lock) and I kept 3 of them at bay as well as one shotting all of their lowbies. Took about 20 min then they scampered off.

Admittedly, it was pretty disappointing to see him running around inside IF...I couldn't even dismount :(
I was on a secret lowbie alt at the time. That orc warrior later killed me in IF, I don't know how though, I am not flagged for PvP...