Kidan's baby


hey guys. We've had our baby.

He is a baby boy of course, weighing in at 7lbs 12oz, and 22.5 inches long.

They had to take him via c-section due to the fact that the cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times which did not allow him to drop (and if he had dropped he would have died)

But even though there was some problems with the birth, both mother and child had God's hand on them and both are fine.

I have some pictures up at Nathan's pictures

and I should get some more up soon

God bless u all, and thank you for your prayers
wow.  and I thought almost finishing pooberty was an accomplishment.

three w00ts for Kidan!  (I thought that was more appropriate for a gamer forum...)

wuh? wuh?  w00t!


bonus points if your kid gros up to look like
I like how Rizz pretends Kidan acctually did something important in all this. ;-) Congrats.
