Knee pain, increased workload at work, cleaning house to get room ready for baby


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
So aside from the usual aches and pains, my left knee started hurting--a lot--whenever I bend my leg. I've been spending more time stationary at work lately because leadership has asked that we post log comments in every ticket every 7 days--which probably wouldn't be such a monumental task had my ticket queue numbers spiked after one of our team members not been laid off earlier this year when we were already short-staffed.

It's especially important I'm in good health not only for work, but also because my wife and I are scrambling to get the house clean and ready to take home a new baby within the next month (God willing). We have to clear out my office, which essentially turned into a storage room after I moved my laptop to the dining room table, and move new furniture in. Our house is decent, but we have too much stuff for the amount of storage space in our home.

So please pray for my physical health, mental health, and spiritual health during this very, very busy season. I know it'll all be worth it in the end, but the in-between phase is grueling at times.

And rest assured that I think of you all often and wish I could spend more time participating in and leading both the CGA and Tribe of Judah. I miss everyone very much and I'm fervently hoping that life will settle down in December or maybe even sooner and afford me the chance to get back into the swing of things online.
Oh no Tek took a comment to the knee!
Sorry could not resist. :p

I'll fire off a prayer for you Tek.

Been praying that your child is born healthy and that both of them grow up in Christ.
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Oh no Tek took a comment to the knee!
My knee is better, but now there's a big red mark on my forehead where my palm met it.

...But I still chuckled. :)

I'll fire off a prayer for you Tek.

Been praying that your child is born healthy and that both of them grow up in Christ.
Thank you, kind sir. I pray almost every day that the Lord would guide me and my wife to raise our children in such a way that they would know God, love God, and serve Him all their days. I don't know if I pray any prayer as sincerely as that prayer. :)

Praying all goes well. You might need to go to the doctor on the pain.
I have seen a doctor and I have a prescription for pain meds, but I hate (and I don't use the word lightly) using medication when I feel that discipline and exercise/stretches would go a long way toward decreasing the pain. I'm glad to have the prescription for when the pain gets bad enough to override my stubbornness, but I'd like to get to a point where I don't ever need it again.

Praying for healing and a smoother workload Tek.
Thank you. :) I have 4 days of PTO (paid time off) left and, though I don't think anyone would call the first week of a new baby's a life a "vacation" (because as wonderful and exciting as it is, it's also exhausting), I think it's been really healthy for me to take a break from my job for a while. I don't expect the workload to be any lighter when I get back, but I'm hoping things settle down by the end of January.

EDIT: Oh hey, I almost forgot to post about the third part of the original prayer request (cleaning the house)!

I'm VERY happy and greatly relieved to share that my wife and I, by the grace of God and after several very late nights in a row, were able to check off the most urgent objectives before my wife went into labor. There's still a fair amount to do, but it feels manageable now, whereas before it was sometimes overwhelming.
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I'm VERY happy and greatly relieved to share that my wife and I, by the grace of God and after several very late nights in a row, were able to check off the most urgent objectives before my wife went into labor. There's still a fair amount to do, but it feels manageable now, whereas before it was sometimes overwhelming.

Glad to hear it. When we were expecting our second, we had to convert the guest room/my office into the baby's room which required re-purposing the (well the best way to describe it is to call it a) breakfast nook into my new office and clear out the old one. Well, as usually happens we put it off and then my wife started having issues with her blood pressure. She was hospitalized for the last month of the pregnancy which meant I had to play Mr. Mom to our eight year old AND clean both areas, move furniture and put together the baby's furniture. Ah, the good old days... (Oh and the baby is almost ten now.)
Glad to hear it. When we were expecting our second, we had to convert the guest room/my office into the baby's room which required re-purposing the (well the best way to describe it is to call it a) breakfast nook into my new office and clear out the old one. Well, as usually happens we put it off and then my wife started having issues with her blood pressure. She was hospitalized for the last month of the pregnancy which meant I had to play Mr. Mom to our eight year old AND clean both areas, move furniture and put together the baby's furniture. Ah, the good old days... (Oh and the baby is almost ten now.)
Oof. I feel your pain. It was difficult enough with both of us working up until the very last full day of the pregnancy. Having to do it on my own would have been brutal. Glad to hear you survived and baby is, well, not a baby any more. :)