Late Group Raiding

Bald Guy

New Member
Just in case you did not know, there is a Late group raiding in Redeemed! We are trying to raid at 8p server time and run ICC 10 man. We have scheduled runs on Wednesday and Sunday nites, but we are also looking to team up and run Weekly quest/VOA/TOC10 mans together. We have gotten started and it is going great, but if any would like to join us, we would love to have you. Min G/S is 2600. Come learn about ICC with us.
We are in need of healers especially so if you have a healer, we could use you!
/W me in game with any questions and come join us!!
I have a healer! lvl 80 too... not great gear and healers are not my best class... so if I am on I'll join you Balddude
Mordos, just run a bunch of heroics and get the 245/tier9 gear and get the non badge gear from toc 25 and you should be set. It doesnt take too long to get the gear if you put your nose to the grinder. I'm sure guildies will help you with gems and enchants and such if you need it. Whispyr is in a bunch of 245, 235 with the blue quality gems and still able to heal ICC so don't think you have to have amazing gear..that'll come in time :p

Anyways, if i change my ret spec to heals and get my pally to a healing point up to par with her tanking set then I'll have three healers that could possibly come. One more week of school and I'll be able to be a 'for sure will be there' person.
Just so you all know we are switching the start time from 8pm server to 9pm, due to some peeps cant come on till then. That is for Wed. night. For sunday it can still be either
8Pm or 9pm depending on what works best that particular week.

Just so you all know we are switching the start time from 8pm server to 9pm, due to Shagz cant come on till then. That is for Wed. night. For sunday it can still be either
8Pm or 9pm depending on what works best that particular week.
If you need me and I'm not locked, 9:30ish is when I can come on Wednesdays... I guess I can check to see if you're going.


Originally Posted by Asheriah
Just so you all know we are switching the start time from 8pm server to 9pm, due to Shagz cant come on till then. That is for Wed. night. For sunday it can still be either
8Pm or 9pm depending on what works best that particular week.


mages can be do demanding!