

New Member
I need prayer!

I am leading a group of Christians, and I am a woman :eek:

The last leader of the guild was a man, and he was not saved..
Leadership was shoved into my lap! :eek:

I need prayer to understand my crucifixion with Christ better.
I often get thrown into the fire still!

I want to see Jesus Living in me more!
I want others to see Jesus more than me!

I know I can't do this by my power!
But I need to be able to confidently say that He Lives in me ALWAYS..

I do confess such but am sometimes hindered by reflection.
I need to FULLY let go of my past and move on in the Lord.

Thank You!

Oh, it would have been nice if I could have posted this annonymusly-lol
God knows who I am :)
My prayers are with you!

Also may I suggest 2 books that deal with the same questions and issues you feel?

Bondage Breaker & Victory Over The Darkness
by are written by Neil T. Anderson.

Both are fabulous, I recommend them to everyone.
I've read them both-lol

I find seeing Jesus in others is my best hope!

I get a lotta edification from witnessing the transformation Jesus has done in thier lives! I guess that's why I always seek to be surrounded by believers-lol

I NEED to see JESUS!

Also, I know I still have sin in my body, that is, in my flesh (my old ways of thinking feeling and choosing) that are in need of the Lords touch. I also know that this wun be dun away with 'till I see Him face to face..But in the meantime I expect Him to show Himself true to being my everything-HeH

I need Him to be my Life so that I do not sin!
For Only He is Holy!

I never expected life in Christ to be so turmulterous-LOL
I thought it'd all be aa bed a roses!-rofl!

I know, because God tells me He's allowing people and situations into my life that are too difficult for me to handle without Him!-lol

I've been crucified with Christ...And now He's making it my experience..
What a God!-hahaha

aka Ash said:
My prayers are with you!

Also may I suggest 2 books that deal with the same questions and issues you feel?

Bondage Breaker & Victory Over The Darkness
by are written by Neil T. Anderson.

Both are fabulous, I recommend them to everyone.
Thank you Ash & Froggy! :)

And Froggy! When you said everything works in His timing God shed Light! WooT!