

New Member
I think we're up to 2 max LW folks in the guild (Shadra & Gilga) with 3 more at 500+ (McFierce, Samboe, Avish) with a few more just behind that. Since you get get to 525 without actually having a ton of recipes (especially since buying the recipes costs the very same mats you need to level) ... and since the recipes are not cheap ... 10 heavies x 50g apiece = 500g. Misty Merriweather sells 44 recipes, so 44 x 500 = 22k gold in theory just buying the high-level recipes. Ouch! And that's assuming 50g apiece where 65g is more the average AH price.

Anyhow, thought maybe it makes sense to specialize a bit on recipe buying, or at least self-identify plans. Ideally, it'd be nice to have someone to focus on each of caster leather / melee leather / caster mail / melee mail. While you can certainly dig up who has what via the guild roster in-game, it's not super-easy to use for this purpose.

Last thought is that some folks (not me) are probably picking up chaos orbs at a fair clip ... and would be better served buying those recipes than the PvP ones that have all BoE mats.

So, with that, the 44 recipes are, along with what I've picked up so far

(8) Bloodied Wyrmhide (leather caster PvP blues) - Gilga 8/8
(8) Bloodied Leather (leather melee PvP blues) - ?
(8) Bloodied Scale (mail caster PvP blues) - ?
(8) Bloodied Dragonscale (mail melee PvP blues) - Shadra (?)
(2) Leather caster PvE epics - ?
(2) Leather melee PvE epics - ?
(2) Mail caster PvE epics - ?
(2) Mail melee PvE epics - ?
(2) Melee cloaks - ?
(2) Epic melee leg enchants - Gilga
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