Less $$ to play! Game time Card


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
I've seen the time card option before but didn't see much return for using it. But now I found 2 places that are selling the 60-day time card for about $23! That's $11 per month or every 5th month free!! Names are hyper-linked.

Amazon for $23

GoGamer for $20
(currently out of stock)

GoGamer seems to have good reviews. An a regular ToJ said he used them for a long time. So, if possible I'm going to try them. I submitted a request about if they will restock soon or not. Will update when I get a reply.

But either way this is the sub route I'm going for now on. With no job or just good stewardship, $3-$5 a month savings is worth it. I would encourage others to consider as well.
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Good Find! Thanks for the info! I never payed attention to them either. If I can buy them in bulk that would be great.