LF Raiding guild


New Member
I like to get to the point on things. I am tired of the trash talk in chat & on vent. Tired of hearing the raid leader cuss someone out because they got stunned during a crucial point in the raid etc...

I am posting here hoping to find that mix of hardcore focused time with encouragement edification, prayer etc...

WoW is not my life! I am a Christian, Husband, Father, Business owner, and youth leader. When I get the chance to play WoW I want it to be focussed and not wasting time. I currently raid in the evenings after my family has been taken care of and put to bed. Below is a list of ideals and details about my toon, if you have a raiding team that fits this mold and you could use my help please feel free to E-mail me @ Jeshua2415@Charter.Net as I will probably not be checking this post very often.

1. I am looking to join a team of skilled end game content raider's, who show up early, start on time with flasks, food, enchants, gems, etc......

2. I have a Holy Pally on the Korialstrasz server named Emana. 5.8GS 11/12 ICC 25 normal mode. I am set up for a hybrid FoL / HL Healer. I am Starting to stack INT and move more to the traditional HL Pally Healer model. I can keep pace with most druid / shammy raid heals and am usually on top of the chart when it comes to healing done. I know the ins and outs of healing with my pally. Usually I can heal 2 tanks and a few raid members during the less healing intensive fights. Feel free to look me up on wow armory http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Korialstrasz&n=Emana

3. I began playing WoW just after LK was released. I have not really gotten into hardcore raiding until recently. If I am going somewhere that I don't know a fight I will read up on it. If a mistake is made it will only happen once. I know all fights up to the LK in ICC.

Thanks for reading this, have a blessed day..