Lich King

lol, :p but Rhys is right in the fact usally they will always be there, unless something big gets done
The good part about the LK fight is that his phases are triggered by his % of HP so even if it is easier to dps you will still heavily have to lean on knowing the mechanics of the fights. Getting dropped off the edge by a Valk kills you at 80 and 85 :) Defiles will always be nasty as well.

I think that, even as a mostly noob looking in, they have done a pretty good job at requiring mechanics over hard hitting. I anticipate that bosses in Cataclysm dungeons are going to be more along this process and end game content will definitely be about the process, not just the power. I think the LK fight will still stay somewhat difficult (yes, you are all laughing at me) simply because of the mechanics. A good case in point? Halion is definitely not a dps race and people have a hard time taking him down.
I don't think the Valks will be much of a worry once we start out-leveling it. With average DPS being about 1.75x of what it is now at 85, and our health pools being considerably larger at 85 than now, two of the most non-forgiving portions of the fight become insignificant hurdles at 85...
There's some parts that will still be pretty important, standing in the defile and have it spreading right across the area will still result in death, range not shooting the orbs will still result in people being knocking off the platform and killed.

It won't be nearly as hard with a lot higher dps and higher health but it still will require a degree of knowledge to do the fight
Or it will make learning the fight vastly easier because currently the simplest of mistakes can one-shot you. If you can live through three or four mistakes with the higher DPS and higher health pools, you increase your chances for success significantly. :)
You are both making my point still need to know the fight quite well to make it through :)