List of Christian WoW guilds overhauled again

Neirai the Forgiven

Christian Guilds List Manager
Hey, I just finished changing something else about the List of Christian WoW guilds: now, if a guild doesn't supply us with a link to their website, their name will be linked to their Armory page.

This should give people who read the list a better grasp of the size and average level of a guild, as well as what kind of things (PVP, raiding, etc) the guild members are interested in.
Ok, I am liking what I am discovering in this website. I have a heart for the gamer and my desire is to reach the MMO gamer world as a mission field, and to also teach Christians how to play for Him. We can still have fun with games but still uphold who we are as Christians.

Anyway, I started a Christian guild in WoW, Khadgar server alliance abt 6 wks ago. The name is Awakening and my guild website is:

Check out my home to discover my goals, plus this guild is open to all, Christian and Non-christian alike.

I would like to get feed back from you about what you see as a Christian gamer should be. =)
Welcome to the CGA Greymoure!

I also replied to your other post HERE.
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Sorry about not putting the name of the guild master in my post. The GM of Seventy Times Seven is Emberwrath. I didn't realize that I'd forgotten to list that until a few minutes ago.
New christian guild just starting
Guild Master: Ecoboost
Guild name: We Salty and We Know It
Guild Website:
Guild Fraction: Alliance

Our Mission Statement and core values.
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot" Matthew 5:13.
New christian guild just starting
Guild Master: Ecoboost
Guild name: We Salty and We Know It
Guild Website:
Guild Fraction: Alliance

Our Mission Statement and core values.
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot" Matthew 5:13.
Guild Name: Fire Straters (There was a typo in the name, we are not sure how we are going to handle this yet :/)
Server: Eredar
Faction: Alliance
Time Zone: Eastern
Armory Page:
Additional Info: 5 real life friends from church, guild leader is Wikiwiki (me). We all have toons that we only play on Sunday and Tuesday evenings so we can all level at the same rate, that toon is Abimael. If you send me in-game mail with a battlenet ID I will add you in so you can contact me if I am off server.