LoE Article spotlight

Hey all,

This is Trosper, chief editor of Missional Gaming. In some research for an upcoming post your guild was discovered and became a featured element of the post. The article can be found here. I hope it honors you and your efforts to bring Christ's Kingdom into the digital landscape. I'd love any feedback you have on the article.

God bless,

Hey Missional! I'm so glad you were able to stumble across us and decide to share it! Your article is fantastic and well written and definitely welcomed! Please let me know if you would like any more information and/or if I can help you out at all.

Thanks again! It's brilliant!
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. It is my hope to build that site into a resource for Christian gamers. I really appreciate what you folks are doing and would like to do a feature length post on the guild itself if you're interested. Perhaps doing a Q&A interview format with the leaders? Drop me a message here or on the missionalgaming.com website. Lastly, if you are interested in helping support this site as it grows the most helpful thing would be to follow on twitter (click in signature below) and retweet updates.

Thanks again for the encouragement, I hope to partner with you soon!

God bless,
