Lok'Tar, for the Horde!


New Member
Hey all:)

Just wondering if we have any guildies playing Horde characters? I started playing around with one of my Horde characters again (74 Orc warrior) and I’ am enjoying seeing the horde side of things (enjoying the different lore and following there side of the story up to the Lich King)

Anyway my character is currently on Area52 and was thinking of moving him to our server if we have other guildies there playing or maybe another suggestion for a good fun horde side guild :)
forever most likely earliest I be back is november, but if expan aint out by then I wont be back til it out, but i really dont plan on coming back, raiding is getting old and my kids needed me more to be with them over a game even if i only play at late night it still takes form them when I do raids