
New Member
LOLZ. So my friend got my account banned about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and after all that hard earned play getting my lock to 60-whatever I was not going to let him go. So I talked to blizz and told them that some random guy hacked my account installed the 3rd party addons, thus getting my account banned. Blizz said "We shall investigate the matter regarding what you have told us." And roughly 1 week later I got an e-mail saying my account has been restored.

GG though, restored me back 3 lvls from what my friend got me. I thought they would restore me back to 70, which my friend got me on his server, but they told me that it was my last played date on this I.P., then started questioning me on how I knew it was lvl 70, lied and said, "i guess" lol and got away with that.

So now I'm stuck at lvl 67, quests I have already completed, a UI i don't understand, minimal game-play (except for today), and playing the game like it is a foreign object with sharp, pointy edges...

On the brightside, my friend said "I think it is best you take it back, this is the 2nd time I got someone elses account banned. Keep the bill, it wasn't your fault."

So I don't have to repay the money I sold it for, and account back? Scandal? I think not.

Track season ended, Fire-explorers rampage my schedule, ER Class at night=limited play, but i guess it will be fun again to see new/old faces of the like.
