Looking for Event Schedule


Hi, I'm a new member of GFC so I'm also a new member of the Alliance here as well. I have heard some Alliance members host regular Bible study and fellowship events and was wondering if there was a schedule posted somewhere to get the details from.

~ Taigris
Hi Taigris and welcome!

We do have Alliance Events every Sat. night unless it a holiday weekend, (but if enough people are available we can do one). The events are leet missions, vanquishing or dungeons. Always looking for more suggestions and usually someone will post the event here on the forums. Depends how far in advance we know what we are doing.

Ally events start at 8 pm EDT. I see your in CA and what is also possible is if enough people are interested and would be fairly faithful, we could do an event earlier in the day as well, or another day in the week other than Monday night.

There is an Alliance Bible Study on TeamSpeak every Monday night at 8 pm EDT. I also think [WWJD] has a local chat Bible Study in their GH on Sundays at 5 pm EDT.

So if you have any suggestions for an event just post. We really try to accommodate the needs of all our members in this Alliance and thank you so much for posting!

Thanks both of you! I appreciate your helpfulness in letting me know. I'm also posting this info to GFC's forum in case others might be able to participate too. :)