Mag Lair

Mag is all about the teamwork and dps. the summoners in the beginning have to go down fast or they own the whole group. after that its pretty much tank and spank except for the clickers which takes a little coordination and planning.
Mag is all about the teamwork and dps. the summoners in the beginning have to go down fast or they own the whole group. after that its pretty much tank and spank except for the clickers which takes a little coordination and planning.

yea pretty much. I guess I actually never downed Mag personally but from my experience in the past I hated it
yea pretty much. I guess I actually never downed Mag personally but from my experience in the past I hated it

ROFL!! phew, that made my sides hurt I was laughing so hard...

China, you never cease to make me smile and frown at the same time.
Here is a good litmus test for downing Mag. With WWS you can track how much DPS/Healing goes on during a fight. If you look at other guilds downing Mag you can see what the avg DPS output and healing was for a fight.

Here is a random example:

avg. dps is like 900+
that reminds me of my friend at Bible college. He hated cilantro so much he would meticulously pick it out of his food every meal and pretty much everything we ate had a boatload of cilantro. gg
actually getting the badge items and ZA gear can easily put you into the MH/BT content; that being said lets get our badges and ZA gear...

Use to create your character and see what you come up with
Mag is easy you just have to do the dance and not get stepped on I personally have been on several Mag kills only time that a random part happens in the whole fight is that a part of the building drops on your head. Trust me that hurts.