Mage Discussion


New Member
Upon Reasonable hitting level 64 last night, I came into a problem with where to put my talent points. It's not like I don't know the class at all, but I found myself at a loss last night on where to put the talent point and on where to put the following ones.

Here is Reasonable's build currently - 10/0/45 At level 65 I will be making 2/2 in Ice Floes. After this though, I'm not quite sure on where to go. Maybe 1 point into Imp Blizzard? But my problem with that is that the crowd control of Blizzard isn't really there. The only time I have even had to use Blizzard is in Blood Furnace.

Maybe 3/3 in Imp Cone of Cold?
Arctic Winds?
Water Elemental just for those situations where I run out of mana?
My mage's inteded 70 build: 40/0/21. I have all the points in Arcane now, and building through the rest in Frost. (I'm currently working through 64).

Ultra-mana-efficient with lots of pwn. With ~+515 damage, standard Frostbolt hits at 1100 and crits at 2450, which happens a lot with Molten Armor and Moonkin Aura. (Keep in mind, Mage Armor is WAY more mana-efficient than Molten Armor, so it depends on the situation).

It helps to have a Moonkin (Vicky) glued to my hip while leveling. :)

Back when I was super-frost spec'd, I loved Improved CoC working in conjunction with Shatter...with all those other frost talents for +damage, that is. :) I like Ice Floes too. BTW, if you choose the Imp. Bliz. route, NEVER put more than 2 points into it. With 3 points, the slow effect is greater than that of CoC, so you can't extend the slow caused by blizzard by following up with a CoC.

I've sacrificed Ice Block in the past, and find I can "live" without it. :p
That works too! I like it. :)

I'm just the type that loves to min/max my (sustained) damage output at the expense of all else.

I found ICS is more useful in PvP than in PvE, where I spend most of my time on my mage. Ice Block? Again, min/max here. I've lived without it for half a year, and can continue to do so. Don't get me wrong, I loved both when I had them...but...again...min/max. :D